Pregnancy Hormones (Josh Anderson x Reader)

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It was hard having your boyfriend be a pro hockey player because it meant that there was always a possibility of injury and that he would be gone a lot. But, it was worth it because you loved him and he loved you and, sure it was hard to have him constantly flying across America and Canada to play, but it was worth it.

But, having your boyfriend be a pro hockey player became a whole lot harder when you got pregnant.

You had a lot of pregnancy symptoms, which was hard because most girls would have their boyfriend or husband there to help them, and you only had him some of the time. Regardless, you were able to get past the majority of them; but, the further along you got, the more intense your mood wings got.

Mood swings.

They were the symptom of pregnancy that was really kicking your butt, and you hated it. And the fact that the mood swings were the symptom that was really kicking you ass sucked even more because Josh was away all the time and you would watch his games on TV and see him hit and get hit and fight and you would worry and be angry and cry all at the same time and you hated every second of those moments.

But Josh had to be away for his job, and his job meant hitting and being hit and fighting, and you knew that, but pregnant you didn't like that and you were getting frustrated and emotional, which wasn't a good mix.

Being towards the end of your second trimester, your emotions were all out of whack. One second you could be happy, then you were sad, then you were angry. You were a mess.

And you were a mess at the end of this game.

The Blue Jackets were playing at home tonight which meant that you could go watch the game, which you did. You loved hockey and you loved to watch your boyfriend play, so you were happy to go to the game. But, after watching Josh hit and be hit throughout the game, you were less happy and much more worried that he got hurt.

When the game was over, you quickly grabbed your purse and headed down to the locker room to see your boyfriend. Usually you would wait in the hall for your boyfriend, but you couldn't wait so you knocked on the door loud enough until Nick opened the door and stuck his head out. He, unsurprisingly, was sweaty and had taken off the top part of his equipment. He smiled brightly when he realized it was you.

"I'll get him, one minute." Nick winked and closed the door before you could thank him.

A few moments later, Josh opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind him. He had also taken off the top part of his equipment. His hair was wet with sweat but he had a smile on his face.

"Hey babe." Josh said and reached his hand out to hold your belly.

You pushed his hand away and brought your hands up to his face before running them down his arms as your eyes scanned over his body. "Are you okay? You took some hard hits."

Josh took your hands into his own. "I'm fine, I promise."

You felt tears well up in your eyes. You silently cursed your mood swings, but nodded your head.

Josh let go of your hands and cupped your face. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"I was worried about you." You whispered as some tears fell.

Josh smiled weakly and wiped away some of your tears. "I'm okay, I promise. You don't need to worry."

You nodded your head. "The pregnancy is kicking my ass." You whispered weakly.

Josh shook his head. "Don't say that, you're doing great. I know I sure as hell couldn't do it. So you have some wicked mood swings, it's nothing we can't handle, okay?"

You nodded. "Okay."

Josh smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. You melted into the kiss, but a few moments later you jerked back, your hand coming up to your belly. You had been surprised by a rather hard kick from your unborn baby.

"What? What's wrong?" Josh asked, concerned.

It had been a hard kick. Up till then, the kicks hadn't been very hard so Josh hadn't been able to feel them, but you were pretty sure that he would be able to feel a kick like that. You grabbed Josh's hand and brought it to your belly, resting it over where you had just felt the kick.

Josh looked at your confused, but his confused expression melted away to awe as he felt the light kick under his hand.

You smiled at him and he brought his other hand up to rub where he thought the baby's head would be and the baby gave him another kick.

"That's incredible!" Josh shouted, completely amazed at feeling the movement of his unborn child.

You giggled, your sad mood completely gone.

Josh waited a few more moments but didn't get another kick. Nonetheless, he kept his hand on your bell. "That's amazing." He said softly.

You nodded and covered his hand with your own. "Yeah it is."

Josh smiled at you and leaned back forwards to press another kiss to your lips before pulling back. "I love you, Princess."

You giggled and pressed a quick peck to his lips. "I love you, too, Josh."

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