Jealous Josh (Josh Anderson x Reader)

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Men are quick to get jealous. Men who spend a lot of time away from their girlfriends because of work get jealous quicker.

You and Josh were happy and the relationship was wonderful, but his job meant that he had to travel a lot and during the months of the season, you didn't see him as much as you wanted to. Which was fine because you could call and video chat and text and it wasn't the end of the world, really the two of you handled it just fine.

However, because Josh couldn't be there with you as much as he wanted, when he heard stories or comments about guys from you or your friends, he got jealous pretty quickly. He didn't like to hear about the guys who were hitting on you at the bar, or the "cute guy from the supermarket."

And, well, jealously wasn't a good colour on Josh because, sometimes, you could see his jealous when he played. Sometimes, if, during his pre-game phone call to you during away games, you said something about a guy or whatever, you could see him playing a little rougher than usual, a little harder.

It wasn't that he thought that you were cheating on him or would cheat on him, he just really didn't like to hear about the "good times" you were having without him, to hear about all the things you were doing with guys that weren't him.

And sometimes you were able to catch on about his jealousy and help him overcome it, but if you were just talking on the phone and all you had was his voice, it was harder to catch on to the jealousy. However, you could always catch on in person.

"Tell me about work, how's that been going?" Josh asked you his first morning back from a five game away streak. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in his hand, his hair still messy.

You smiled and laughed little before biting you lip with a shake of your head.

"What?" He asked with a smile, leaning forwards onto his arms.

You shook your head again. "We hired a new guy recently and he's honestly the funniest guy I have ever met."

Josh forced a smile and raised his eyebrow. "Yeah?"

You nodded with a laugh. "Yeah, he has me crying with laughter so easily. Honestly, no matter how bad of a day I'm having, he can always make me smile."

Josh tightened his lips. "I'm glad he can do that."

You stopped laughing and looked at Josh with soft eyes. "Baby..."

Josh just shook his head. "I'm glad you're having a good time at work, I really am. All I want is for you to be happy and love what you do like I do."

You leaned across the table and put your hand on his arm. "I am. He makes work more bearable, but you know I would rather spend all my time with you. He can make me smile on the bad days, but you can make me happy even when I don't want to be, okay?"

Josh smiled at your words. You always did know how to make him feel better when he was jealous. "Okay."

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