Baby Crosby (Sidney Crosby x Reader)

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You were in the final stretch of your first pregnancy, just two weeks left till your due date. And while you felt extremely uncomfortable most of the time, there was no way you were going to miss your husband's home games.

The Braxton Hicks contractions weren't going to stop you from attending the Penguins vs Flyers game at the PPG Paints Arena, especially when it was so close to playoff season.

You didn't see much of Sidney that day.

He was up and gone for practice when you got up and he didn't come home until near one. You were busy getting done some of the final details on the nursery and had Sidney do some errands for you. Then the two of you had dinner and he was off to the Arena for the game, which you would be leaving for at a later time.

So, Sidney really had no idea that you were in any sort of distress, which wasn't a problem since they were just Braxton Hicks contractions, or so you kept telling yourself.

You had been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions on and off in the last few weeks. When they started today, they felt no different. But, as the day stretched on, they started to get worse. You let it slide though. There was no way you were in labor two weeks before your due date.

It didn't click that you were in actual labor until it was a little into the second period and your water broke.

You were startled then confused than absolutely terrified. You couldn't move from your spot up in one of the suites as your mind and heart raced. It was too early and you weren't ready and Sidney was playing and—

You were forced out of your thoughts as another contraction hit you, this one stronger than the others you had been experiencing all day. That's when you knew you had to go get Sidney. That you had to get to the hospital.

You pushed yourself up and walked the familiar way through the halls towards the dressing room, keeping one hand on your jersey clad bump. You didn't know what you were supposed to do so you were glad when you were stopped by security.

"Mrs. Crosby, what are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be up in a suite?" He asked you with a smile.

You forced a smile which lasted only a moment before you leaned onto the wall as another contraction hit you.

"Woah, are you okay?" He asked, stepping forwards to touch your arm.

When the contraction was over, you shook your head. "I need Sidney. I'm in labor."

The security guard's eyes went wide and he nodded his head. "Come on, let's go get him. Do you need help?"

You shook your head and the two of you walked towards the dressing room. "You stay here, I'll go talk to the coach he said, sitting you down in a hair in the hall. You nodded and watched as he disappeared down the hall towards the ice.


The guard walked towards the ice, talking to the equipment manager, Dana, first.

"I need to speak to the coach." He said and Dana gave him a look.

"Why?" Dana asked.

The security guard bounced on his feet. "Mrs. Crosby is in labor."

Dana's eyes went wide and he nodded. "I'll talk to him."

The security guard nodded and walked stepped back down the hall, but didn't leave, wanting to make sure that Sidney was altered to the situation.

Dana walked through the bench to Mike. "We have a situation."

Mike pulled his eyes from the ice to look at Dana. "What?"

Dana eyed the players in front of him and stepped closer to Mike before whispering. "(Y/N) Crosby is in labor."

Mike's eyes whipped from Dana back to the ice to find Crosby playing. He had just gone on the ice.

"What are we supposed to do?" Mike asked.

A whistle was blown Geno turned around on the bench. "You let him go."

Mike took a deep breath and nodded. The players reset for a face off and Mike signaled to the red that they needed a time out. The Penguins were confused about a time out in the middle of the second period, but skated over to the bench.

"Sidney, you're out of the game." Mike said as soon as he got close to the bench.

"What?" He said, very confused about the situation.

Mike opened his mouth to reply, but Geno shook his head and cut him off. "Your wife is in labor; you need to go be with her."

"(Y/N) is in labor?" Sid asked and Mike nodded.

"So, go be with her." Mike said.

Sidney nodded and the door was opened so he could get off the ice and he quickly made his way off the ice. Mike turned to Geno and tapped him on the shoulder. "You're up." Geno nodded and hopped the bench.

"Okay, we have half a game left and we're down a center man. That means that three centers left are going to be playing more than usual. We're up by one right now and let's keep it that way, alright? Make Sid proud, then you can go visit him, (Y/N) and the baby."

The Penguins nodded and Mike signaled to the ref that they were ready for the game to resume.


People were confused as to why Sidney Crosby just upped and left halfway through the game but later that night you posted the happy news on your Instagram and they understood.

Your baby was here and the Penguins had won the game.

It was a good day. 

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