The New Baby (Kris Letang x Reader)

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For the past five years, Alex had been an only child, the sole recipient of his parents' affection. But all that was going to change. You and Kris were expecting your second child and neither of you had any idea how Alex was going to handle it.

During your pregnancy, both of you tried to ease Alex into what was going to happen. You explained to him that he was going to be a big brother, that there was going to be another kid in the house just like him, but smaller and "she can't play with you right now, but soon she will be able to."

And, giving Alex credit, he seemed to understand it, well at least some of it.

He knew he was going to be a big brother and that mommy's big stomach meant that his sister was in there. And he understood that mommy and daddy were going to have to give the new baby more attention.

But, you and Kris still had no idea how Alex was going to handle actually having to share the attention in practice rather than in theory.


You were glad that the baby was to be born during the off season because it meant that Kris would be there. He wouldn't miss anything and you wouldn't have to go through the first few months alone, which was great because birth really did exhaust a woman and Kris knew that, so he made sure to help Alex through this transition on his own so you didn't have to worry.

Kris made sure to keep Alex as involved with the new baby, Victoria, as possible.

When it was Victoria's bedtime, Kris made sure to always ask Alex if he wanted to help put her to sleep, and more often than not, he would, so Kris and Alex would put Victoria to bed together and Kris would read them a story before putting Alex to bed as well.

When it came time for Victoria to be fed, Kris usually played a game with him or worked on hockey with him; but, if Kris noticed that Alex was getting jealous of his sister getting more attention from mom, he would bring Alex in to you and have him sit with you and Victoria, which made him feel better.

When it came for family outings, whether it be dinner or going to see the grandparents, after Kris helped Alex get dressed and ready to go, he would have Alex help get Victoria ready to go, asking him what she should wear and such. Sometimes the outfits weren't great, but Alex liked them and they made him happy, so you and Kris went with it.

All of those things made Alex feel important and trusted and it made the transitional period with Victoria a lot easier. You had no idea how Kris was able to come up with all those ideas, but they worked and you were grateful. 

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