High School Sweethearts (Mat Barzal x Reader)

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"Besides you being an amazing athlete and this being your first All Star Game, I want to ask you about your girlfriend?"

Mat blushed and smiled. "(Y/N) is the light of my life."

The interviewer raised her eyebrow. "Yeah? How long have the two of you been together?"

"Four/five years." Mat said, tilting his hand back and forth. "Since high school," Mat clarified, still smiling. "She's my high school sweetheart and I honestly couldn't imagine my life without her."

The interviewer smiled at Mat. "Is she here in San Jose to watch you in your first All-Star Game?"

Mat chuckled and smiled. "Yeah, she is. I flew her out to be here because I couldn't imagine her not being here. She's been there for me every step of the way since my first draft at 14. She was there for Worlds and the NHL draft and I wanted her to be here with me for the All-Star Game."

"It sounds to me like you can't be away from her, that she's your other half." The interviewer said softly.

Mat nodded with a smile and took a deep breath. "She's certainly the better half then."

"I'm sure that a lot of girls listening to this just swooned a little bit at that and are dying to know if there are any wedding bells in the near future?"

Mat sucked in a deep breath and puffed his cheeks out with wide eyes before shaking his head and releasing the air. "I don't know about the near future, but someday yeah, I hope so."

The interviewer smiled and nodded. "I hope so, too. Thank you Mat, I hope you have a good time at the All-Star Games."

Mat smiled and shook the interviewer's hand.


You were in the hotel room lying on the bed while Mat was at practice. You clicked on Instagram and saw that the Islanders had added to their story so you clicked it.

A picture of a woman interviewing Mat who was dressed in his black All-Star jersey came on the phone screen.

"I'm sure that a lot of girls listening to this just swooned a little bit at that and are dying to know if there are any wedding bells in the near future?" She asked him.

You watched as Mat sucked in a deep breath and puffed his cheeks out with wide eyes before shaking his head and releasing the air. "I don't know about the near future, but someday yeah, I hope so."

Mat smiled softly and looked at the camera and you could see a slight blush on his cheeks.

You smiled and looked down to see what the writing was on the story, but the story moved on so you clicked to the left to bring the story back. The interviewer's voice filled your ears again, but you were focused on reading the Islanders' caption:

We hope for wedding bells too.

NHL ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora