Headaches (Sidney Crosby x Reader)

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"And it looks like Crosby has taken a bit hit. Hopefully he'll be able to shake this one off."

"It doesn't look like it. Crosby is still on the ice. I don't think he'll be getting up anytime soon."


You were watching from a suite as your boyfriend took a rough open ice hit, every time Sidney got hit, your heart skipped a beat out of fear. His history of concussions made you afraid of every hit, and being a doctor, you knew how bad it could be if he got another.

And that hit...You couldn't get a good visual of it because of how high you were, but you felt it deep in your bones that it wasn't good. And the fact that he wasn't getting up confirmed that feeling.

You watched as the trainer came out onto the ice and kneeled beside your boyfriend. You waited for Sidney to nod, acknowledge the trainer, to get up. But he didn't. Sidney stayed on the ice, and you knew you had to go down there. So, you quickly grabbed your bag and rushed through the familiar halls of the PPG Paints Arena towards the locker room and through to the ice. Security had recognized you immediately and let you through.

Once you made it to the Penguins bench, you could see the trainer trying to help Sidney off the ice. Sid had managed to make it up to one knee, but every attempt he made to stand, he slipped and failed. You made a move to go out onto the ice, but Sullivan stopped you. You wanted to challenge, but you knew he was right. Sid was a big man, you wouldn't be able to help him off the ice, no matter how much you wanted to.

Letang came to Sidney's aid and helped the trainer to get Sid off the ice. Him and the trainer managed to get Sid to his feet and support his weight between them as they slowly skated Sidney off the ice. Once he was at the bench and off the ice, you took over for Kris and helped the trainer get Sidney back to the locker room where Sidney collapse into his seat.

You knelt with the trainer before Sidney, who was definitely spacey and lacked coordination...

"What happened?" You asked the trainer who had taken off Sidney's helmet and retrieved his flashlight to check his pupils.

"Open ice hit. Primary point of contact was the head, then he hit the ice." The trainer explained.

"Two head blows...How are his pupils?" You asked, feeling sick to your stomach.

The trainer sighed. "They're dilated. I'm diagnosing him with concussion."


After Sidney was diagnosed with a concussion, you took as many of your emergency sick days as you could to take care of him. He told you not to, that he could handle himself, or hire someone if that you make you feel better. But you weren't about to leave your concussed boyfriend alone.

You made sure he got rest and the foods he needed. You stocked up on ice packs so that you would always have at least one frozen when Sidney needed one. You massaged his neck and shoulders. And you made sure to keep him away from bright lights, electronics, and books.


You were working on making him some lunch when he came up behind you, easily slipping his arms around your waist. He had woken up to an empty bedroom and he could hear you in the kitchen.

When he woke up that morning, he had a pretty bad headache, so you gave him some meds and told him to go back to bed. That was four hours ago. You decided that you should make him some lunch and wake him up. Turns out you didn't need to wake him up.

"How are you feeling?" You asked him softly. "How's your head?"

"It still hurts pretty badly." He whispered.

You sighed. "I can't give you any more meds, it hasn't been long enough."

"I know. I'm okay." He whispered before lightly kissing your neck and stepping back, moving to go sit at the table.

You turned away from the stove to face him. "You should go back to bed."

Sidney gave a very light shake of his head. "I'd rather just sit here while I wait for whatever you're making. Smells great by the way."

You smiled at him and checked on the food before walking over to him. You brushed his hair back and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I love you."

Sidney smiled and leaned into you. "I love you, too."

The two of you stayed like that for a moment before he looked up at you. "Could you rub my neck again? It helps."

You smiled and nodded. "Of course, baby. Just let me check on the food real quick."

Sidney nodded and you lightly ran your hands through his hair before moving to check on the food. Since everything was good, you walked back over to Sidney, standing behind him and binging your hands up to rub his neck.

You worked some of the tension out of his neck, paying close attention to the base of his skull. Sidney closed his eyes and groaned softly. It hurt—made the headache worse momentarily—but he always felt better afterwards.

You massaged his neck until he food was done. You pressed a kiss to Sid's temple before going to get him some food. You made Sid's plate and brought it over to him along with some utensils.

"Thank you." He whispered with a smile.

"No problem." You replied, giving him a smile back. "What do you want to drink?"

"Just water please."

You nodded and got him and yourself a glass of water before preparing your own plate and sitting down across from him at the table.

After lunch, you took Sidney back to bed. You sat up against the headboard with a book and Sidney used your lap as a pillow. You gently stoked his hair as he fell back asleep. 

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