Being Tyler Seguin's Little Sister and Dating Mitch Marner Would Include

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You met Mitch when the Leafs were playing in Dallas.

You ran into him at the arena before the game and the two of you got to talking and he couldn't get you out of his head.

So he got your number and the two of you started texting.

You didn't tell him Tyler was your older brother for a while because you didn't want him to be a problem in your relationship/friendship.

When Mitch found out, he freaked out a little because Tyler is intimidating and a really good player.

You reassured him that Tyler wasn't the stereotypical brother who would beat him up kinda thing.

Mitch did not believe you.

The two of you kept your relationship a secret for a long time. You guys wanted to figure out how to make it work without having to deal with Tyler and the fans and the press and what not.

Tyler found out when Auston posted a picture of the two of you reuniting at the airport after you went to visit him.

You got a very long phone call from your brother about keeping secrets.

But he was happy for you.

He did ask you to put Mitch on the phone and he gave Mitch a very pathetic attempt to be threatening. Tyler isn't a threatening guy and it's even harder to sound threatening when he's also talking to Gerry at the same time.

You confirmed your relationship to the public after that.

And thus the wave of pictures began to be posted.

Mitch loves to post pictures of you and you and him on his Instagram with a bunch of cute captions.

Tyler comments grumpy emotions under all of them. Or things like "you're both 12 keep your tongues to yourselves."

The fans LOVE protective older brother Tyler Seguin.

Interviewers constantly ask Mitch and Tyler about yours and Mitch's relationship.

Tyler and Mitch fight it out when the Leafs and Stars play.

"You're gonna wear my jersey, right babe?"

"I'm your brother whom you love so you better be in the Seguin 91 jersey tonight."

You can't win, whatever Jersey you pick will make one of them upset.

You end up picking Mitch's jersey though because you're a good girlfriend and you know it'll make him smile and it'll be funny to see Tyler all cranky.

"I hate you so much, such a disgrace to the family name, (Y/N)."

Tyler is (mostly) joking though. He knows that you're happy and Mitch treats you right and that's all that matters.

It's still funny though.

(And just wait till the 2022 Olympics when they're on the same team good god.)

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