The Rainbow After A Storm (Zach Aston-Reese x Reader)

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Playing Philadelphia was always rough on the Penguins. Both teams always managed to play harder and pettier when they were playing each other and the fans just ate it up. And it made you very nervous.

Philly was a physical team and they had taken out a lot of Penguins players, most recently those being Dumo and Tanger. You always went to your boyfriend's home games, but you never liked going to the ones against Philly because you knew that there was going to be violence and feelings and pettiness and it was stressful to watch.

But you went anyways, wearing your Aston-Reese jersey and sitting up in one of the suites with the other girlfriends and wives of players who had come to the game.

And you tried and failed at keeping your blood pressure under control as you watched the game.

Hit. Penalty. Hit. Missed call. Hit. Fight. Hit.

The game was brutal and Zach took a pretty hard hit from Voracek about half way through the second, which made you nervous. Watching any of the guys get hit made you nervous, but when it was Zach...You knew how easy it was to get a concussion from a hit or just plain injured, so you always held your breath in times like that.

And Zach was fine; but, he wanted to get Voracek back for the hit. You could tell that by the way he eyed the bench every time he went on the ice, the shifts just not lining up for Zach and Voracek to be on the ice at the same time...

It was a little into the third period when Zach and Voracek ended up on the ice at the same time and Zach had him in his sights. As soon as Voracek had the puck, Zach gave him a hard hit in return which had you holding your breath while the fans cheered.

Voracek popped right up from the hit and poked a few jabs at Zach before the two of them dropped the gloves. You shot right up to your feet as you watched. Zach landed a few hits, but Voracek ultimately won.

And the Flyers ultimately won in over time...

As the Penguins made their way off the ice and down the tunnel to the dressing room, you picked up your things and made your way down to the dressing room as well.

You waited in the hall for the players to come out of the locker room. As soon as the door opened, you lifted your head. Players started to make their way out of the locker room and eventually Zach made his way out.

You gave him a soft smile and Zach walked over to you. You opened your arms as he got closer and he melted into your arms, burying his face into your shoulder. You ran your hands down his back.

"Let's go home and take a bath, okay? I'll light some candles and we can just relax. Just the two of us, far away from Philly and hockey." You whispered to him.

Zach pulled back from the hug and brought his hands up to cup your cheeks. "You always know what to say."

You gave him a small smile and shrugged.

Zach didn't pull his eyes away from you. "I'm serious. You are the only person who knows how to make everything better even when it's not." There was something different about his tone.

You furrowed your brows. "Zach?"

"You made everything better. Just seeing your face or hearing your voice makes my day so much better. God, I love you so much and I never want to live without you." Zach continued.

You swallowed. "Zach—"

"Marry me?" He cut you off.

You looked at him for a moment in shook. "What?"

Zach swallowed and repeated himself. "Marry me? Please?"

"Are you serious?" You couldn't help yourself from asking.

"Very." He said, his eyes not leaving yours. "I mean... I was planning on asking you to marry me at the place where we had our first date. Sid actually has the ring, I asked him to keep it safe until it was time..."

You brought your hand up to cover your mouth. "Oh my god you're serious..."

Zach chuckles nervously. "Yeah..."

You nodded your head. "Of course I'll marry you, Zach. Yes."

Zach smiled and you could see the weight fall from his shoulders. "Of thank god. I was getting scared there."

You shook your head and pulled him down for a kiss. Zach pulled back after a moment, his forehead resting against yours. "I love you so much."

You smiled. "I love you more."

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