Making History (Marc-André Fleury x Sister!Reader)

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You stood watching from one of the arena suites as Murray was helped off the ice, a hand clamped over your mouth. A trainer had a towel pressed to Murray's throat and through the zoom in displayed on the jumbo screen, you could see that there was quite a bit of blood.

There was six minutes left in the second period, practically half the game left to play and the Penguins were out both goalies.

You were in Pittsburgh to visit your brother, Marc-André, the past week and had been to the last two of his games since they were both at home. And two minutes left in the first period, Marc-André had decided to poke check, which wasn't unusual. Marc-André was a goalie who really liked to poke check. What was surprising was that after he poke checked, he didn't get up.

A trainer was sent onto the ice and he helped your brother off the ice and back into the dressing room. The Penguins sent Matt Murray into the game and you made your way to the dressing room to see your brother and found out that he had broken his arm. His arm was swelling pretty badly and the he had to get his arm set properly so he was going to have to go to the hospital.

You asked him he wanted you to go to the hospital with you, but he told you to stay and enjoy the game. So, you went back to watch the game from the suite.

And with six minutes left in the second period, Murray took a skate to the throat. Letang slid in front of the net, trying to stop the Leafs from scoring, and in the process, knocked Matthews down, causing his skate to go up and clip Murray under his mask.

The play was stopped and Murray was lying face first on the ice.

You stood up and brought your hand up to cover your mouth. You didn't know what happened but, you knew that if Murray couldn't play that the Penguins were out a goalie. You didn't know what they were going to do. There was still half a game left, they couldn't play with an empty net.

Were they going to be forced to forfeit?

Were they going to be forced to dress one of their other players as a goalie and put them in net?

Your heart was beating like crazy when you saw the blood as Murray was helped off the ice. There was no way that he would be able to continue to play and your brother had already been taken to the hospital.

You watched as the ref went over to the Penguins bench. The whole area was wondering what was going to happen and so were the other Penguins.

You saw the coach ask Letang something and he nodded. The coach gestured behind him and Letang got off the ice and headed back into the dressing room. Crosby looked at the coach like he was crazy and your heart started to go crazy.

Letang was their best defenceman, putting him in net was the craziest idea you could fathom. Without a proper goalie in net, if they were going to try to have a not so horrible loss, they were going to need him on the ice as their defence.

You were pulled from your thoughts by your phone ringing. You pulled it out of your pocket and saw Kris' name. "Hello?"

"I need you to come to the dressing room." Kris said frantically.

You nodded even though he couldn't see you and started to collect your things. "Okay, I'll be there." You said before hanging up.

You played for team Canada in the 2006, 2010 and 2014 Olympics as their starting goalie. Being a goalie was something that ran in the Fleury blood apparently. You figured that Kris was asking for help to figure out how to be a goalie and you were more than happy to help.

You walked into the dressing room to see him pacing.

"Why aren't you putting on the equipment?" You asked him.

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