Not A Leafs Fan (Auston Matthews x Reader)

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Living in or around Toronto was crazy because literally everyone supported the Leafs, no matter how trash they were doing. Your household was just like that. From a young age, liking the Toronto Maple Leafs was conditioned into you. As a kid you would cheer for the blue jerseys, not really understanding why.

But, as you got older, you were able to see that the Leafs were in fact a pretty bad team. So, you switched alliances to (Favourite Team). You were a traitor in the eyes of your family, and, if you were being honest, the more you heard about how "traitorous" you were and how "the Leafs will make a comeback, you'll see" the less and less you liked them.

Before you had been neutral to the Leafs, now you were against them. But, you still lived in Toronto and that wasn't something you could say out loud. So, you didn't, you just kept it to yourself.

Other thing was Auston Matthews. You could admit that he was a good player, but the hype about him, the non-stop talking about how great he was, the fucking song, led you to strongly disliking the guy. Which kinda sucked because you knew he was a good player and also really freaking adorable.

But the fuss, particularly from your father and his family, led you to making a verbal statement, by which you would be forced to stand: you hated Auston Matthews.

You became known as the girl who hated Auston Matthews, which was fine by you since you were also the "traitor." And it didn't matter if you didn't actually hate him, you were fine with playing the role.

It wasn't like you were ever going to be in a situation in which your true colours were revealed...


Toronto is a big city, but apparently it wasn't big enough.

All you wanted was a coffee.

You had a long day ahead of you. You had class and then (Favourite Team) was playing the Leafs in the Air Canada Centre that night and your family thought it would be fun to go see the game, all of you, together. All of them dressed in Leafs gear and you, the only one dressed in (Favourite Team) gear.

The best part was that the seats were right against the glass in the Leafs' end...

But, again, all you wanted was a coffee.

So, you went to your favourite coffee shop and got your coffee before sitting down and pulling out some of your work. You did frequently because it was nice to work on your papers while sitting in a coffee shop.

It didn't take long for the place to be pretty much packed. It was Toronto after all. You were sitting alone at a table for two, typing on your computer with your notebook out. You didn't realize that you were sitting at one of the only tables with an empty seat.

"Excuse me. Can I sit here?" You heard a man say. You looked up for a moment before looking around the coffee shop to see that everywhere else was taken.

You smiled. "Of course. Don't mind me, just working on a paper."

The guy nodded and sat down at the table and sipped on his coffee.

"(Favourite Team) fan, eh?" He asked you after a few moments and you smiled.


If Auston was being honest, there were two other places he could have asked to sit or he could have just left. But he saw you sitting in a busy coffee shop in Toronto with a sticker for (Favourite Team) on your laptop and he couldn't not go talk to you about it.

"Not the Leafs?" He asked you.

You sighed, not looking up from your computer. "They got annoying."

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