Montreal (Mat Barzal x Reader)

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You and your friend, (F/N), were sitting in a coffee shop in Brooklyn. It was spring break and the two of you had decided to take a trip to New York during that time off. New York City was just a few hours away from Montreal...

So, you and her were sitting in the coffee shop, people watching and making up all kinda of stories about their lives. The people were always so busy and it was fun to imagine what their lives could be like. Which was exactly what the two of you were doing when he walked into the coffee shop.

He was wearing a hoodie and a baseball hat, but you could tell that under the hoodie he was fit, and his face was attractive, and his jaw was strong.

"Et lui?" You asked your friend. "Il est sympa, penses pas? À quoi ressemble sa vie, à ton avis?" [What about him? He's hot, don't you think? What do you think his life is like?]

Your friend followed your eyes. "Hm, oui, il est. Je ne sais pas ce qu'il pourrait être." [Yeah he is. I don't really know what he could be]

You looked over his back. "Il doit être un athlète. Peut-être qu'il joue pour son université?" [He has to be an athlete of some kind. Maybe he plays for his university?]

"Oui," she nodded. "Tu as probablement raison." [Yeah, you're probably right.]

And Mat had heard every word the two of you had said and couldn't stop himself from smiling as he kept his back to your table and waited for his coffee. He had picked up on the French as soon as he walked into the coffee shop and immediately tuned into it. It wasn't every day that one would hear French in New York City.

And he wasn't disappointed with what he heard.

So, he collected his coffee and walked over to your table. You and (F/N) started to panic as he got closer, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hockey." He said as he approached your table. "Je joue au hockey pour les Islanders de New York, pas pour une université." [Hockey. I play hockey for the New York Islanders, not for a university.]

You swallowed. "Vous parlez français? Et vous nous avez entendu..." [You speak French? And you heard us...]

Mat smiled and shrugged. "Oui, je suis Canadien." [Yeah, I'm Canadian]

You blinked back at him and the three of you fell into an awkward silence, which he broke a few moments later. "Alors, vous pensez que je suis sympa, huh?" [So, you think I'm hot, huh?]

"Je suppose qu'il ne sert à rien de mentir... Oui." [I guess there's no point in lying... Yeah, I do.]

Mat smiled. "Eh bien, vous êtes assez mignon vous-même." [Well, you're pretty cute yourself.]

You smiled at him. "Oui?" [Yeah?]

Mat nodded. "Oui." [Yeah]

Your friend looked between you and him and raised her cup to feel how full it was before pushing herself up from her chair. "Je vais prendre un autre café. Assez vous s'il vous plait." She said to him and went to get into the long line. [I'm going to get another coffee. Please sit.]

Mat smiled and nodded, sitting down across from you. "Je m'appelle Mat." [I'm Mat.]

"(Y/N)." You replied with a smile.

"Un beau nom pour une belle fille." He said, making you blush. [A beautiful name for a beautiful girl]


"So, let me get this right. You're dating a girl from Montreal?" Tito asked Mat.

Mat nodded. "Yeah."

Tito cringed. "God, I feel so bad for her... Your French is awful."

"Hey!" Mat shouted in protest. 

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