Jersey Numbers (Teuvo Teravainen x Reader)

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You were friends with Sebastian, which was how you met Teuvo. You met Sebastian in high school and had been good friends ever since. You would go see him play in Finland; so, now that Sebastian was playing hockey in America, you had to visit.

In Carolina, you met the Canes and spent some time with them, went to practices and games, and you caught the attention of Teuvo, and eventually the two of you got together.

You weren't really planning on getting involved with one of Sebastian's teammates, but it happened. And in the beginning, Sebastian wasn't happy that his friend and his teammate were together... but he let it go. He wanted both of you to be happy, which you both were.

Since you and Teuvo got together, you spent more and more time in America, and you couldn't live with Teuvo, at least not yet. It was too early. So, you stayed with your best friend, Sebastian, instead.

And you and Sebastian would have fun living together. He'd take you to practices and games and it as an all-around good time. But, Teuvo was jealous. He knew that you and Sebastian were close and good friends and that the two of you would spend a lot of time together, but the longer you and Teuvo were together, the less that he liked all the time you spent with Sebastian.

He was jealous of all the time you spent with Sebastian and all the attention you guys gave each other. But, he knew that he didn't have a right to be jealous, at least not to the extent that he was, so he didn't say anything. And, for the most part, you didn't catch on to his feelings about your time with Sebastian.

That was until the game happened.

The Canes were playing the Pens in Raleigh. It was going to be an intense game and you were excited to watch your boyfriend and your best friend (and their teammates) beat such a highly respected team.

Sebastian brought you to the game and you walked beside him through the halls towards the Canes' locker room, something you did before every home game.

Teuvo and the boys were in the hall playing their pre-game soccer. As soon as he saw you, Teuvo smiled and you smiled back before turning around to answer Sebastian. As soon as you turned away from him, Teuvo's smile fell and when the ball came towards him, he made no movement towards it, his attention completely on you.

After answering Sebastian, you turned back around and the boys beside Teuvo had started to laugh, knowing what was wrong, and causing the boys with their backs to you to turn around, confused.

You gave them an awkward/confused smile and waved. Teuvo shook his head and walked over to you, his lips tight. His hands found your lower back and he turned you around, leading you away from the boys. As soon as your back was to the boys, you heard muffled laughter and looked back over your shoulder at them in confusion, and they stopped.

"(Y/N), what...what are you doing?" Teuvo asked you once he had lead you away from the boys.

You looked at him confused. "I don't understand?"

Teuvo grabbed the sleeve of the jersey you were wearing, pulling at the number 20 on your arm. You looked down at it before meeting his eyes. "What?"

Teuvo laughed shortly. "Why are you wearing his jersey?"

Your lips twitched momentarily into a smirk before you forced it down and looked at him innocently. "I'm wearing my Canes jersey to a Canes game. Is there something wrong with my jersey, Teuvo?"

"Yes—no. I mean of course not." Teuvo said, trying to recover, but you knew the truth.

You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his neck with a smile. "Are you jealous that I'm wearing number 20 and not number 86?"

Teuvo was silent for a moment. "Maybe."

You leaned in closer to him. "Well, how about I make it up to you after the game when the only name coming out of my mouth will be yours."

Teuvo's eyes darkened and he licked his lips. "I like the sound of that."

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