Warm Ups (Mat Barzal x Reader)

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Mat always liked to look up in the stands at warm ups. He liked to see who was there and if there were any kids he could give a puck to. He knew how exciting it was to the young fans to go to a game and how he could make their day by doing such a simple thing.

The Islanders were playing the Hurricanes at Barclays. The team was on the ice for warm ups and there weren't many people in the stands. Barclays always had less fans.

You were sitting in the lower rows dressed in your Barzal jersey as you watched the Isles warm up. You liked going to warm ups because it was the last time the team was "at ease," so to say. The intensity of the upcoming game was yet to hit them and they were all smiles and laughs, especially the younger players like Barzy and Beau, and seeing them have fun on the ice made you smile.

And Mat? Mat saw you in the stands. It was hard to miss a beautiful girl sitting in the stands wearing his jersey with a smile. So, he kept looking back to you through the warm ups, and even between whistles during the game.

Not that you noticed that you had caught the attention of the young centreman.

You watched as the Isles played a great game. They were hot and it showed. And Mat always tried to play his best, but knowing there was a pretty girl in his jersey watching, Mat tried to show off, using his fancy footwork as much as he could. And it paid off in the end as the Isles beat the Canes 4-2 with Mat getting a goal and an assist.

And once the game was over, you stayed in your seat. You didn't want to get caught in the stampede of all the fans leaving the building. You thought it would be better to just sit and wait for the people to leave before getting up. It wasn't like you had anywhere to be.

And Mat didn't know what compelled him, or why he thought there was even a chance; but, Mat got undressed and showered in record time, grabbing a puck and a marker before heading out of the room in a sweater and hat, his hair still wet.

Mat signed the puck as he walked out into the concourse. A lot of fans were still streaming out of the building and Mat felt that he had a chance to find you, though he knew realistically that he probably wouldn't.

Still, he knew what section you were sitting in and he made his way to that section of the building and waited by the doors, using his hat to cover his face as fans still trickled out of the section.

And you scrolled on your phone, looking through some of the photos and videos you had taken during warm ups as you waited for the people. Finally, you looked up and saw that it was basically empty, so you collected your stuff and made you way up the stairs and out onto the concourse.

And Mat caught onto your (colour) hair and Barzal jersey and he smiled to himself as you walked passed him. By some miracle, he hadn't missed you. Mat walked after you and easily caught up with you.

"Hey." He said softly.

You turned hesitant to the guy who followed you, the hesitation wearing off as you caught his face.

"Oh my god." You whispered, shaking your head with a smile. "Is it really you?"

Mat laughed and brought a finger up to his lips, causing you to laugh again.

"I saw you at warm ups and I wanted to give you this." Mat said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the puck, making sure to hand it to you with his signature up.

"Really?" You asked him softly and he shrugged.

"Yeah." He said with a smile.

You took the puck and gave him a smile. "Thank you."

Mat shrugged again and brought his hand up to your lower back. "Thank you for coming." And with that, Mat tipped his hat back down and waked away, heading back to the dressing room and leaving you in the concourse with your signed puck.

You turned the puck over in your hand and nearly dropped the puck.

Mat :) 917-896-3821 

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