Mon Petit (Mat Barzal x Reader)

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You were awoken from your sleep by noise and the gentle rubbing of your swollen stomach.

"Ta mère et moi sommes tellement heureux de te rencontrer." You heard your boyfriend, Mat, say to your belly as he continued to lightly stroke your belly. (Your mom and I are so excited to meet you)

Mat loved to talk to the baby and he had recently gotten into the habit of speaking French to them as well. He was committed to the idea of his child being bilingual as well, which you supported.

"Tu vas être si petit et fragile, mais ne tu inquiétes pas, votre père vas tu protégera." He continued to whispered and you kept your eyes closed and didn't move. You wanted to keep hearing him talk to the baby. (You're going to be so small and fragile, but don't worry, your dad will protect you)

"Tu vas avoir beaucoup de gars là-bas pour toi protéger. Toute une équipe de hockey." At his words, you couldn't help but smile a little, but Mat didn't notice since he was focused on your belly. (You're going to have a lot of guys there to protect you. A whole hockey team)

"Je pense que tu vas être un joueur de hockey aussi, comme ton père, mais tu ne devais pas d'être un si tu ne veux pas être un." Mat said with a smile, his voice getting a little louder and you could feel the baby start to move a little bit, you doubted that Mat could feel them move though. (I think you'll be a hockey player too, like your dad, but you don't have to be one if you don't want to)

"J'espère que tu m'aimes bien, parce que je t'aime beaucoup, mon petit." Mat said, pulling his hand away from your belly. (I hope you like me, because I love you a lot, little one)

Once Mat had pulled his hand away from your belly, your baby gave a hard kick followed by a slightly softer kick. You grabbed Mat's hand and brought it to your belly, resting it over where you had just felt the kick.

Mat looked at your confused, "you're aw—?" but his confused expression melted away to awe as he felt the light kick under his hand.

You smiled at him and he rolled over a little bit more so he could look at you better while he rubbed your belly.

"Keep talking, I think they like it." You told him and he nodded.

"Bonjour, je suis ici, mon petit." Mat whispered and felt another kick. He looked up at you with a big smile. (Hey, I'm here, little one)

"Do you think it's my voice or the French?" He asked you and got another kick.

You laughed. "I think it's just your voice."

Mat nodded and kept talking to your belly. The baby continued to kick for a few minutes before they came to a stop.

"That's incredible." Mat whispered with a shake of his head, completely amazed at feeling the movement of his unborn child.

You giggled and nodded. "I know."

Even though the kicks had stopped, he kept his hand on your belly and continued to rub it. "That's amazing." He said softly.

You nodded and covered his hand with your own. "Yeah it is."

Mat smiled at you and he shifted his position so that he could press a kiss to your lips before pulling back. "I love you, Princess."

You giggled and pressed a quick peck to his lips. "I love you, too, Mat."

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