Being Friends to Lovers With Morgan Rielly Would Include:

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You first met Morgan in Toronto his rookie year.

You guys probably met at the supermarket or through a mutual friend at a gathering.

The two of you got along really well and really, you guys had been friends ever since.

If you were being honest though, you totally had a small crush on Mo from the very beginning, but you never said anything because you didn't want to mess up your friendship.

You guys were friends, best friends, for years.

You guys were inseparable.

Always over at each other's place.

You went to all of the Leafs' home games, always dressed in your Rielly jersey.

Mo probably started to fall in love with you from the very beginning, but he never knew.

He had an "oh my god, I'm in love with you" moment while you were doing something very domestic, like talking about something you were passionate about, or showing him your new Leafs gear you just bought.

Mo totally didn't know how to handle his feelings, so there was a period of time where he was distant.

Mo told his teammates about his feelings and they were like "...haven't you always been in love with her?" Because they genuinely thought that, and they were probably right, Mo just never realized.

You ended up confronting Mo about his distance and there was a small fight about him being distant and it ended when he shouted "I'm in love with you!"

Your heart started to beat faster as you smiled at him and Mo got so confused until you stepped closer to him and cupped your hands on his cheeks and said "I love you too, Morgan."

He didn't believe it.

Neither of you had to say anything to the team the next day, you walked into practice hand in hand and the whole team was like "FINALLY!"

There's lots of teasing from the team.

Mo is so soft.

Your relationship is solid because you both know and trust each other and you're literally dating your best friend.

Power relationship.

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