Bed Side (Sidney Crosby x Reader)

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As soon as you woke up you noticed the bright lights and brought your hand up to cover your eyes, which caused you pain in your hand, but you let it go. The next thing you noticed was how uncomfortable the bed was and the smell in the room.

"Hey, you're awake." You heard your boyfriend's familiar voice say and turned towards the sound, opening your eyes fully.

Sid's eyes were full of concern and his hair was a mess, like he had run his fingers through it many times. You squinted at him before you let your eyes look at all the other stuff around him.

Oh. You thought, and looked down at yourself, at your hand. Your hand hurt because you had an IV in because you were at the hospital.

You were at the hospital.

"What happened?" You asked Sidney with a rough voice and brought your non-IVed hand up to your head, which was pounding.

Sid moved further to the edge of his seat to the point where you thought that he was going to fall out of his chair. "You don't remember?"

You shook your head before groaning in pain. "No, I... I don't."

Sid tightened his lips. "What's the last thing you remember? Let's start there."

You thought as best you could. Your head hurt and you felt so disorientated and confused. "We were on the couch, watching a movie? It was loud?"

Sidney nodded. "That's it?"

You thought for another moment. "Yeah."

You hadn't been feeling well so when Sid got back from the road trip, the two of you curled up on the couch to watch movies. But, you couldn't remember anything more from there.

Sid sighed. "You got up to get some juice. I told you that I could get it for you, but you were determined."

You nodded your head very lightly.

"Once you got up, you stumbled a little. I asked you if you were okay and you told me you just felt a little dizzy and kept walking towards the kitchen. Then I heard a bang and you were passed out on the floor—" He continued.

"I fainted?" You asked him softly.

He nodded. "And I didn't know what to do, so I called 911 and," he shook his head. "I was so scared, (Y/N). So fucking scared."

You reached out and covered Sid's hand with your own, giving him a small smile. "I'm okay."

He nodded. "I know, but..."

You squeezed his hand. "No more scary thoughts. I'm okay now and we're going to be okay. And when I get out of here, I want some pizza and you're going to break your diet and eat it with me."

Sid laughed and nodded, covering your hand with his other hand. "I like the sound of that."

You smiled at him before pulling your hand back and inching to the opposite side of the hospital bed and patting the space next to you. Sid smiled and got into the tiny bed with you, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you to his chest before kissing the top of your head.

"Better." You sighed. 

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