Meeting The Team (Kris Letang x Reader)

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"I think it's time to meet the guys." Kris had said to you one night.

The Penguins were out of town playing the Sharks and you had watched the game on TV and Kris had called you from his hotel room later.

"Really?" You asked softly.

"Yeah. I want you to meet them." Kris told you.

You smiled into the phone and nodded even though you knew Kris couldn't see you. "Okay."

"Okay." You could tell Kris was smiling from the way his voice sounded.

And so, Kris decided to bring you to a morning practice once the Penguins were back in Pittsburgh. You went with him to the arena and he brought you to the players' bench where you sat down before he headed back to the locker room to change.

You were sitting on the bench, playing on your phone when you were startled.

"Um, who are you?" You heard and looked up to see Sidney Crosby standing beside you. Your eyes went wide and you opened your mouth to reply but struggled to find the right words.

"I'm (Y/N)." You eventually said and stood up, extending your hand to him.

Sidney raised an eyebrow at you and pulled his glove off to shake your hand. "Sidney."

"I uh...Kris brought me." You said after you pulled your hand back.

Realization immediately hit Sid and he nodded. "So you're the girlfriend, eh? Alright. Welcome to the family!"

You laughed at his response. "Thanks."

Sid gestured to the ice. "I'm going out there now, but have fun watching, okay?"

You nodded. "I'm sure I will."

Sid went onto the ice and you sat back down and slowly the other players began to funnel onto the ice. They all gave you a weird look, but Sid had your back. Kris and Marc-André ended up being the last ones out of the locker room.

Fleury went onto the ice, but Kris hung back for a moment to check on you. "How are you doing?"

You smiled. "I'm good. Met Sidney, he seems nice."

Kris smiled and touched your arm. "I'll bring the guys over for you to meet, okay?"

You nodded and stood from the bench once Kris skated onto the ice and over to the guys.

"Hey guys, I want you to introduce you to (Y/N)." Kris said and gestured behind him towards you. Sidney smiled.

"That's (Y/N)?" Olli asked, raising an eyebrow at Kris.

Kris nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"She's very pretty. I'm surprised she's with you is all." Olli said with a smile.

Fleury nudged Määttä. "Flowing hair and a French accent? Are you kidding?"

Kris rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Can you guys please just come over and meet her?"

Fleury nodded. "I would love to meet the girl who has stolen the heart of our Tanger."

Kris shook his head, but nonetheless skated backwards towards the bench. The other guys followed him. Kris leaned back against the bench to the side of you with a smile. Once the guys got closer to the two of you, he started to introduce everyone.

"(Y/N), I want you to meet Olli, Marc-André, Horny..." Kris went on introducing you to his teammates.

The boys took off their gloves and one by one shook your hand.

"It's so nice to meet all of you." You told them.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Kris has told us a lot about you." Fleury said with a smile, leaning onto the boards on your other side.

You raised an eyebrow and looked over at your boyfriend. "All good things I hope."

Kris smiled. "I couldn't say anything bad about you if I tried."

The two of you heard a few mocking "aw"s and looked over to the team, and a few of them started snickering.

Sidney stepped in and poked them with his stick before nodding his head towards the ice. "Come on guys, leave them alone. We have practice anyways."

The other guys nodded and skated back towards to where they were before, leaving you, Kris and Marc-André by the bench. Marc-André patted you on the arm. "It's truly nice to meet you."

You smiled at him. "It's really nice to meet you, too. I'm a big fan of yours."

Fleury laughed. "Thanks." He then nodded and skated back towards his net.

"Why are you still here? Go practice." You told your boyfriend.

Kris shrugged and pulled his helmet off before leaning over the bench to kiss you. You brought your hand up to cup his cheek. Kris pulled back after the two of you heard some whistles from his teammates.

Kris shook his head and put his helmet back on before skating over to them, leaving you to sit and watch the practice from the bench.

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