Wine and Hockey (Sidney Crosby x Reader)

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 "I'm honestly still not over the fact that you used to play with Sidney Crosby." You said without thought.

Marc-André and Veronique had asked you to go for dinner with them while the kids were with their grandparents. You had originally politely turned them down, but it wasn't easy saying no to either of them so, you ended up at dinner.

You should have said no to the glass of wine, and you really should have said no to the second glass of wine, but Marc-André was already filling your glass before you could say "no." And, well, two drink you really didn't know how to keep her mouth shut, which was how that comment about Sidney Crosby came out of your mouth.

Your hand immediately came up to your mouth and your eyes widened. Marc-André laughed and shrugged.

"I'm so sorry." You said and Marc-André shrugged again.

"Don't worry about it." The table went quiet for a moment before his lips twitched into a small, mischievous smile and he looked back at you. "I didn't know you liked Sid?"

You shrugged and took a big drink of wine to avoid answering.

"What about him do you like? I thought you didn't follow hockey very much?" He continued. Veronique gave her husband a look, but he ignored her.

"You don't have to follow hockey to follow that ass." You said before you could stop yourself. As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you felt yourself blush and put your head down onto the table before you. Marc-André and Veronique couldn't help but laugh at your comment.

"I'm so, so sorry." You told them once you looked up.

Marc-André shrugged with a laugh. "I'm not. This has been fun."

And so, that was the start of Marc-André's plan. Sidney had broken up with his girlfriend a few months ago which meant he was single and now that he knew you liked Sid, Marc-André thought that the two of you would be a good couple.


The plan went into action when the Penguins played the Golden Knights in Vegas. Vero and the girls went to all of Marc-André's home games, which meant that you went to all of his home games since you were their nanny.

The morning of the game, Marc-André asked you to go with him to the arena because he needed help with a "top secret plan." He was your employer and you did what he asked, so you went with him. You thought that he was planning something special for Vero and needed your help with it, but you couldn't be more wrong.

You walked behind him as he navigated through the arena hallways until you got to a hallway that had a handful of men, all of them with their backs to the two of you, so they didn't see either. You were confused, but let it slide for the moment.

Marc-André smiled and walked over to one of the guys who was hearing a baseball cap and put his hand on the guy's shoulder.

"Holy shit!" The guy said once he turned around. Sidney Crosby.

You felt your heart start to beat faster as you remembered what you said about him at dinner not that long ago.

"What are you doing here?" Sid asked Marc-André with a smile.

Marc-André gestured back to you and your heart started to beat even faster. "Our nanny is a big fan of yours so I thought I would bring her by to meet you."

Sid nodded and tapped Marc-André on the shoulder before moving past him towards you with a smile and extended his hand. "Hi."

You took his hand and gave him a shaky smile. "Hi."

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