Meet My Mom (Mat Barzal x Reader)

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"I want you to meet my parents." Mat said to you over dinner.

You choked on your water. "What?"

Mat shrugged. "We've been together for a while now and I think it's time that you met my family."

You were from New York, which was where you met Mat. You were a student and Mat was an athlete. The two of you didn't see each other as much as either of you wanted, but you made it work. The two of you had been together for a few months, but your relationship, for the most point, remained between the two of you.

Neither of you were keeping it a secret, it was just that neither of you felt the need to be "showy" and neither of you were really ready to take that next step. You weren't the kind of girl who felt the need to bring a boy home to meet her parents, and Mat's family lived across the continent.

But Mat was now making that move.

You swallowed and nodded. "Okay."

"Does that make you uncomfortable or something?" Mat asked because of your reaction.

You shook your head. "No, sorry. You just caught me off guard."

Mat laughed. "Oh, okay. Sorry."


And so, when the off-season rolled around, Mat took you to British Columbia to meet his family.

It was a long plane ride which Mat slept through most of. He told you to sleep as well, and you knew that you should, you just couldn't. You were way too nervous about meeting his parents.


You didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't what happened.

Mat was smiling ear to ear when you guys landed at Vancouver Airport. The plan was to go get your bags and then go to his parents' place.

You walked hand in hand with Mat out towards where all the family members wait for the people to come off the plane and you saw a lot of signs, one of which immediately caught your eye.

Welcome Home Matty!

Mat smiled brightly and let go of your hand, moving quickly over to the woman you could only assume was his mother. Mat dropped his carry on and the woman lowered the sign so that they could embrace.

You slowly walked over to the two of them with a semi-awkward smile. You were expecting to have time to freshen up a bit before meeting them. You had just come off of a five and a half hour flight and probably looked like garbage.

Mat pulled back from the hug and put his hand on your lower back, pulling you against him. "Mom, I want you to meet (Y/N)."

His mom smiled. "It's so nice to finally meet the girl Matty doesn't shut up about." She said, stepping forwards to hug you. Mat let go of you and you gave her a hug and only felt slightly awkward.

"You really are as beautiful as he says." She said when she pulled back from the hug and you felt yourself blush.

"You told her I was pretty?"

Mat gave you an almost offended look. "Uh, yeah."

Mat's mum cooed and clapped her hands together. "Okay. I bet you're both tired and hungry, so let's go home. Oh, and Mat? You're sleeping on the couch."

"What?!" Mat all but shouted.

"I don't want any funny business under my roof, and I'm not making (Y/N) sleep on the couch." She explained and Mat grumbled, causing you to laugh.

"You think this is funny?" Mat asked you, picking up his carry on.

"Yup." You replied with a smile and slipped back under his arm as you all made your way towards baggage claim. 

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