Are You Jealous? (Colton Parayko x Reader)

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When your boyfriend was a famous athlete, it was easy for you to get jealous. He was away for long periods of time doing god knows what. He could meet new people, new girls, and easily mess around and no one would know.

You knew that he wouldn't. You knew that Colton loved you and wouldn't cheat, that he wouldn't want to cheat, but you were still scared on some level that he would, so whenever you saw photos of him around another girl, or were with him and another girl was around, you got jealous. And quickly.

And, for the most part, Colton found it cute. And hot.

When you got jealous, you got possessive and he loved that. He loved having you wrapped around him, loved the feeling of your hands on his body and your lips against his, and he loved that it meant the two of you were going to have very hot sex when you got home.

Tonight was one of those nights.

You and him were out with the rest of the team and their wives and girlfriends. Colton had gone up to the bar and you were watching him from your place at your very large table. You saw the way Colton rested on the bar top and the smile the bartender was giving him.

You didn't blame her; he was very attractive. Smoking hot actually. And he didn't have a ring. If you were her, you would have done the same thing.

But, you weren't her. You were you and you didn't like how she was smiling at Colton, or how she brushed her hair back behind her ear.

You didn't like her flirting with him.

So, you hopped off your chair and walked over to the bar, wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your head on his shoulder. "You were gone a while, babe."

Colton smirked at your action and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Sorry, Princess. Annie here was just getting our drinks."

The bartender, Annie apparently, pushed herself back up and forced a smile before getting the drinks Colton had ordered that she had put off making so that she could flirt with him. Once she was done, he pulled his arm away from you so that he could carry them back to the table.

He thought that now that he was away from her and he had publically acknowledged that he was taken, you would go back to normal. But, he was wrong. Because, instead of continuing on as if everything was good, you put your hand on his inner thigh and slowly started to move your hand north.

"We're in public." Colton said to you softly, not wanting the others to know what you were doing.

You shrugged your shoulders and smiled at him, continuing to tease your boyfriend under the table.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked you, clenching his jaw.

You shrugged your shoulders again and turned your attention to one of the TVs which was playing one of the games happening that night.

Colton was quiet for a few minutes before he leaned close enough for his lips to brush your ear. "Are you jealous of Annie, baby girl?"

"Don't say her name." You replied and he chuckled softly, moving his own hand to rest on your inner thigh.

"Why don't we get out of here and I'll show you that you're the only girl for me, okay?" He said before lightly kissing your neck.

You couldn't get out of the bar fast enough. 

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