Want To Get Out Of Here? (Carter Hart x Reader)

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There was a lot you could be doing on a Friday night, and you knew you should be home working on the major paper you had due in the coming weeks that you had barely scratched the surface of; but, (F/N) wanted to go to the party, and while parties weren't really your thing, you weren't going to deny her the change of getting laid.

So, you were going to a party.

When you and (F/N) got to there, the party was already raging. Music was blasting, people were dancing, and there were empty beer cans and solo cups everywhere. (F/N) was smiling from the moment the two of you pulled up to the party.

And it didn't take her long for her to slip away, leaving you alone in the house full of people. You found yourself shaking your head. She was the one who wanted you to go to the party, and not even five minutes after arriving into the party, she was gone.

Sighing to yourself, you decided to get yourself a drink. It was difficult to maneuver towards the drink table because of all the people, but you managed, all the while lost in thought about The Great Gatsby and Gatsby's large parties.

You had to agree with Jordan's words about parties—"I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy."

You were lost in thought about the party and the book that you didn't realize someone had come up behind you.

"You seem out of place here." Someone said behind you causing you to jump and pull you out of your thoughts.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." He said with a small smile.

You smiled back at him, immediately picking up on the guy's blue eyes and soft smile. You couldn't help yourself from quickly running your eyes down his body. It was only a few milliseconds, but you saw enough. He was hot, and not even in a subtle way. He was just hot.

"Don't worry about it." You told him.

His lips twitched into a genuine smile. "I'm Carter." He said, extending his hand.

You took it and gave him a firm handshake. "(Y/N)."

Carter's eyes widened momentarily at your grip. "Strong handshake."

You smirked at him. "With a guy like you, I figured firmer was better."

Carter's eyes darkened slightly before he shook his head with a smile and biting his lip. "Yeah?"

You let your eyes run down his body more obviously before bringing your eyes back up to his and biting your own lip. "Yeah."

Carter looked at you for a second before he spoke again. "So, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

"A friend brought me" You answered, shifting your weight to semi-lean onto the drink table.

"Oh?" Carter asked and looked around.

You chuckled softly. "She ditched me not long after we got here." You explained.

"I couldn't imagine ditching you." He replied without missing a beat, his eyes running over your body.

Usually you felt uncomfortable when someone checked you out, especially when it was as obvious as Carter's, but you didn't with him. With Carter you felt hot. Just looking at him turned you on.

You blushed, both at his words and his actions. "Thank you."

"You shouldn't thank me; I'm just speaking the truth." He said, his voice deepening.

You held his eyes for a few moments before taking a shaky breath. "Do you want to get out of here maybe?" You asked, bringing your hand up to your hair.

Carter bit his lip and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

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