Dating Anders Lee Would Include

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Oh this boy is soft.

He loves you with all his heart and he wants you to know that.

He's a big, strong boy that you wouldn't want to be hit by on the ice, but he's really just a sweetheart that loves cuddles and is a total romantic.

He loves to take you out to fancy, romantic restaurants. Like black tie, candle light with the romantic music? Those are this favourites to take you to.

This boy can't dance, but he loves to dance horribly off beat with you. He probably steps on your toes, but it's cute.

Taking the pups for walks, to the dog park and to the beach together. A lot of time with the pups.

His lock screen on his phone is a picture of the two of you.

Constant phone calls/FaceTime/texts when he's away.

You can always count on him to make you laugh when you're feeling down.

He probably talks to the team about you like nonstop, which probably drives the team, particularly the younger members, crazy.

Lots of teasing from the team. (Younger players like Barzy probably call you "mom" as a joke).

You going to all of the Isles home games, always in your Lee jersey.

Anders isn't like the younger guys who get a kick out of seeing you in his jersey, he just likes that you wear it and it makes him happy, not horny.

Celebrating with Anders when he was named captain.

You totally called him "captain" for like the next week, and he couldn't stop smiling.

Anders' knew after the first few months with you that he wanted to marry you, and the longer the two of you are together, the more he knew that.

He probably gets all blushy when you call him hot.

He's literally so adorable.

He falls asleep on you a lot. He likes using your lap and stomach as a pillow for his pre-games nap.

He just likes to be close to you all the time.

Dating Anders is literally so wholesome and soft.

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