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A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this little prologue. It might not make much sense, but if you make it through until the end, I'll explain a bit more at the start of the first chapter. This introduction takes place about two years before Race to the Edge.


"And so, Princess Eira, I was wondering..." For the first time since their meeting, the young viking seemed uncertain as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. "...would you allow me the honor of courting you?"

Eira took in the man and looked him up and down. He was not bad looking by any means, and he normally held himself with great confidence. He was kind and charming and skilled in battle. He would make a fine husband for any young lady. But...

There was no spark. No chemistry. If she saw potential for even a friendship, she would have given him a chance, but she felt no connection at all. She was sure he was a good man, but he was still like all the other good men who had so far asked to court her. It was not really her they wanted to be with; it was the princess. Was that all she would ever be?

"No." She gave him a sad smile to show she meant no harm.

The man appeared taken back by her blunt response, and it took him several seconds to compose himself. "Wh-why not?"

"It will never work out."

"How can you know that after one meeting?"

She raised her eyebrows at him. "How can you know you want to court me after one meeting?"

He opened him mouth but no words came out at first. "I can protect you," he finally said.

"Thank you, but I am quite capable of protecting myself. Now if you excuse me, there is somewhere I need to be." She turned her back on him and left before he could utter a protest.

Eira found her way back to Main Hall where she knew her father would be waiting for her report. Sure enough, the king and queen sat in the throne room surrounded by attendants and guards. 

King Birger rose when his daughter entered. "Welcome back, Eira. How was your date?"

The girl shrugged. "I sent him away. He was positively boring."

Birger frowned. "Eira, you can't continue to turn down every man you meet. You will have to choose one of them eventually."

"But why does it have to be now? I'm 16! You were 23 when you married Mom."

"And I was 20," Queen Laila said as she strode forward to stand beside her husband. "It is never too early to start considering your future."

Eira took in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "I am thinking about my future, mom, and my future's not here. You know that. I was chosen."

Her parents exchanged looks. Birger raised a tentative hand. "Darling, one out of every generation is chosen. There is no guarantee the conditions will be met. It has been a long time since anyone but Torvald thought fondly of dragons."

Eira clenched her fists. She could not speak aloud the response at the tip of her tongue. How could she explain just knowing the time drew near? Her parents would hardly respect her feeling like this was what she was meant to do. Instead, she settled for something more practical. "But it has to happen soon. Attacks by dragon hunters are increasing rapidly."

"We can handle the dragon hunters here. We cannot wait for some idealistic fantasy."

"But it it does come to pass, we will certainly discuss our options," Laila said gently, laying a hand on the king's shoulder. "For now you need to focus on living your life to the fullest. Do you understand?"

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