News to Report

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Chapter 14: News to Report

The morning had not gone as planned. First off, the captured dragon riders discovered that Ryker was forcing their dragons to work for him. He promised better treatment if they told him what he wanted to know, but that wasn't going to happen. They were then left alone in their cell to think about their next course of action.

They returned to thinking up crazy plans. Finally, Astrid came up with a good one, and Ruffnut helped out by stealing the guard's key. They escaped the cell and ran to their dragons after Astrid took out the guards. Eira was relieved to see Swiftwings unharmed. Before she could get her out of her chains, however, she was attacked from behind.

All the riders were caught and their captors enraged. Dagur wanted to throw one of them overboard, but Heather had the idea to make them work for them. So, that's how Eira found herself scrubbing the deck with Astrid and Tuffnut, who argued about why Astrid couldn't take out Heather without her axe.

Finally, Eira had enough. "Cut it out, you two," she snapped. "Stop worrying about the past and think about the future."

"She's right," Astrid said. "Sorry, Eira."

"I think Hiccup and Snotlout are in our future," Tuffnut said.

Eira gave him an odd look. "What are you-?"

Astrid suddenly gasped and pointed to the sky. "Look!"

Eira peered up at the sky and saw Toothless and Hookfang flying towards them with their riders. They were coming to rescue them! But what was that they were wearing?

She soon realized it was some sort of armor. The dragons flew right over the ship, but the arrows shot by the dragon hunters bounced right off of their hides. Eira grinned as she watched. That was a brilliant plan!

"Let's go get our dragons," Astrid said.

Eira nodded. But as she, Astrid, and Tuffnut moved forward, Heather suddenly blocked their path. Astrid was the first to attack, allowing the other two to escape. Eira really hoped Heather knew what she was doing. She did not have time to spare worrying about her, however.

She found herself below deck, grabbed her axe, and ran to Swiftwings's cage. This time, she was able to successfully free the Windwalker. She allowed her to nuzzle her for a second before leading her back on deck, where chaos awaited her. 

It was time to get out of there. She mounted Swiftwings and took to the air. Moments later, the other formerly captured riders joined her. Toothless and Hookfang took all the shots so the others could get away. And then, at last, they were out of range. They were safe from the hunters. For now.

"Did I see Dagur on that ship?" Hiccup said. "Is he with the dragon hunters?"

Eira bit her lip. "Well..." In all her worry about Heather, she had forgotten to ask Dagur why he had joined with the hunters. She supposed she should have been glad he was not obsessed with defeating Hiccup anymore, but still...

"Not just Dagur!" Ruffnut said.

"Hiccup, we have a lot to talk about," said Astrid.

Eira was glad for the flight back to Dragon's Edge, for she had time to plan what she would say when she was ultimately questioned about Heather.


Hiccup could not believe this. Heather had actually chosen Dagur and the dragon hunters over her friends? Sure, Dagur was her brother, but he could not believe she would change her allegiance so easily. "Are you sure Heather is really on their side?" he said as he looked around at the dragon riders gathered in the clubhouse.

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