The Snotlout Challenge

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Chapter 3: The Snotlout Challenge

It made Hiccup glad that everyone seemed to approve of Eira so far. She had one test left with Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Hiccup debated keeping an eye on them, eventually deciding to watch them from a distance with Toothless. He only had to intervene when the twins attempted to goad Eira into destroying random objects with Swiftwings' water balls.

That afternoon, Hiccup had Eira join him and the other dragon riders for some training exercises to see how well she fit in. It turned out he did not have to worry too much. She kept up great and appeared to be a natural. When they finished, they all met up at the training academy for a meeting.

"I hope you all have enjoyed your time with Eira," Hiccup said to the group. "Personally, I believe she would make a great dragon rider. Does anyone object?"

"I never had any objections," Snotlout said, flashing Eira a smile. "She has my approval."

"She does seem pretty capable," Astrid said.

"And fun," said Tuff.

"Lots of fun," added Ruff.

"I agree," said Fishlegs, "but, Hiccup, I do have one concern."

"What is it, Fishlegs?" Hiccup said.

"I think it's great Eira's a dragon rider now, but shouldn't we tell her we haven't really done anything together in a long time? There have been no dragon hunters or any other threats for many months." He gave Eira an apologetic look. "I don't want to crush your enthusiasm, but this might not be what you expect. We've kind of been doing our own thing recently."

Eira merely smiled. "Hiccup already explained the situation to me, Fishlegs. It's fine. And just because nothing's happening now doesn't mean it won't in the future."

"She's got a point," Hiccup said. "From now on, we should meet once a week for training to make sure we are prepared for the unexpected."

"Since Eira is new, someone should work with her one-on-one," Snotlout said. "I would be happy to volunteer."

Hiccup gave him an uneasy look that grew uneasier when Eira did not object. "No offense, Snotlout, but I don't think you and her have the same battle philosophy. She should work with... Fishlegs."

"That's fine with me," Fishlegs said.

"May I say something?" Eira politely asked.

Hiccup looked away from a disgruntled Snotlout to nod at Eira. "Go ahead."

"My home has a unique culture, and my battle philosophy is going to be very different from everyone else's here. I am willing to hear another perspective, so why not me train with Snotlout? If you think we're so different, maybe we'll be able to find some sort of happy medium."

"Or I will prove to you my way is the best way," Snotlout said confidently.

"I would love to see those two go head to head," Tuff said. "Let them do it, Hiccup!"

Hiccup held in a sigh as he considered his options. Astrid gave him a worried look while Fishlegs simply shrugged. Finally, he decided it was best to just get this over with. "Alright, Snotlout and Eira will work together - as partners. That means you can't boss her around, Snotlout."

Snotlout crossed his arms and scoffed. "I wouldn't do that."

Hiccup ignored him. "Eira, you said earlier that you prefer peaceful tactics. Well, think of this as a chance to show how much you really know people. I haven't known Snotlout to compromise on anything, so if you can get through to him, I'll admit you're skilled."

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