Eira's Choice

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Chapter 43: Eira's Choice

After all the action that evening, Dagur decided to hold his ceremony the following morning and invited the dragon riders to spend the night on Berserker Island. Eira and Ingrid stayed with Dagur and Heather in their hut while the others made alternative accommodations. Snotlout only protested a little before leaving the sisters.

Eira felt exhausted, but she needed to talk to Dagur. She left Ingrid in the room they would be sharing and followed Dagur into his own room. As soon as he closed the door, the chief gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry everything was ruined today," he said. "I wanted to impress you, but I messed up."

Eira shook her head. "It wasn't your fault."

"But I should have known Savage was up to no good."

Eira moved closer to him and offered him a small smile. "You gave him a chance. That's a good thing. With time, you'll learn how to tell when someone is sincere."

The distress did not leave Dagur's face. "But I put you in danger. I should have-"

"Dagur!" Eira rested her hands on the upper part of his arms. "It's fine. I'm fine. I'm just glad you're alright. I was really worried about you."

Dagur's eyes flashed in surprise. "Really?"

Eira smiled. "Of course. And you were very brave. I think you're a great chief."

Dagur grinned. "Thanks, Eira. You were pretty brave too. You would fit in well here." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Then he paused as if to ask for permission.

Eira noticed his eyes flicker to her lips, and she wondered why he did not kiss her. Then she remembered; it was her turn to initiate. She moved her arms to around his neck so she could push his head down and meet his lips with her own. She felt him smile as he kissed her back; it gave her the euphoric feeling she was beginning to love.

Eira pressed her body against his, but his armor felt cold an uncomfortable. Dagur pulled back and frowned slightly. "Let me fix that," he said. He quickly removed the armor, revealing his loose, brown shirt. "Better?"

Eira smiled. She gripped the fabric and pulled him to her. "Yes." Her hands found his hair as she kissed him again. She closed her eyes in bliss, enjoying the moment.

Dagur gently pushed her backwards until her legs hit his bed. He lifted her up and set her on the bed, allowing them to be at the same height. He held her tightly to him and deepened the kiss. Needing more, Eira pushed his head harder against hers while she wrapped her legs around his waist. Dagur grunted in approval. When she started to lean back, he climbed onto the bed and pushed her down so he was on top of her.

Eira gasped when he kissed her neck. He must have taken this as a sign of disapproval, for he stated to pull back. "No, don't stop," she protested. "Dagur..." She sighed in contentment when he resumed. She liked this feeling. Perhaps a little too much.

Dagur returned to her lips, and she slipped her arms around his back. He became more heated, but she made no move to stop him. Finally, he broke away, breathing heavily. "Eira," he said in a low voice, "if we continue, I won't be able to stop."

Eira's first instinct was to say she did not mind, but then her reason took over. Her eyes widened, and she pulled her arms down to her sides. "Right. Thanks."

Dagur rolled onto his back beside her. "I'm sorry."

Eira closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. "I'm the one who started it."

"But I should have stopped it."

Eira opened her eyes and rolled to the side to look at him. "But you did." She gave him a soft smile. When he smiled in return, she felt her desire grow. "I should get back to Ingrid." She slowly got up from the bed, and Dagur followed suit.

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