Dating Competition

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Chapter 34: Dating Competition

Eira entered her hut the following afternoon and found Ruffnut waiting for her with a mischievous grin on her face. She closed the door and cautiously approached the twin. "Ruff, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm here to help you get ready for your date with Dagur!" Ruffnut declared. "And make sure you won't run away."

Eira widened her eyes in alarm. "You heard about that?"

Ruff smirked. "Everyone's heard about it. They just won't tell you."

"And why do you want to help?"

"Because I can't miss an epic competition between Dagur and Snotlout! Heather and Astrid are alreadt helping them, and I want in. Besides, I'm the only one who's unbiased. I will give you my pure, unfiltered opinion." Ruff grinned in satisfaction.

Eira did not know if she should be grateful or scared. "Well, thank you." She probably could use the help. "But I'm not going to run, and I'm already ready."

Ruff looked her up and down. "You're decent, but if you want Dagur to like you..."

Eira frowned. "Dagur already likes me." That was what got her into this mess in the first place. "Besides, it doesn't matter if he likes me. The point of this is to figure out if I like him."

Ruff placed her hands on her hips. "And if you do like him, you'll be glad you put in the effort. Perhaps you could do something with your hair... Maybe change up the bandanna?"

Eira touched the bandanna around her head. "I  wear this to hide my scar." She pulled the fabric off to show her friend.

"Dagur likes scars. You should keep it visible."

Eira hesitated. Her initial reason for hiding it had been to avoid having to explain why she defended an enemy. But now that Dagur was on their side, it was only an excuse. She positioned the bandanna so it was further up on her head, leaving her forehead bare.

Ruff nodded in approval. "Very nice."

There was a knock on the door. Eira froze.

Ruff walked right past her and opened the door. "Hello, Dagur and Heather!"

"Ruffnut?" Heather said. "What are you doing here?"

"II could ask you the same thing."

"I'm helping Dagur."

"I'm helping Eira."

"It's better not to ask," Eira said when she finally made it to the door.

Dagur brightened when he saw her. "Hi, Eira! You look great."

Eira smiled softly. "Thank you."

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes." Eira exited the hut while Heather entered. She looked back at the two girls and wondered if they intended to stay.

"Good luck!" Ruff said.

"And have fun," added Heather.

"Thank you!" Dagur called back. He looked down at Eira with a grin. "We need to get out dragons. We're going to another island."

"Really?" Eira said.

"I know this great place, and no one will be able to eavesdrop."

"Is that really necessary?"

Dagur stopped walking. He bent down and picked up a rock. Then he threw the rock at a tree. They heard an 'ow' that sounded an awful lot like Snotlout. Dagur looked at Eira expectantly.

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