Beginnings and Endings

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Chapter 52: Beginnings and Endings

"I can't believe they left us behind," Ingrid grumbled while pacing back and forth in her hut.

"They didn't leave us behind," Eira said. She sat at her desk with paper and a quill. "They are giving us time to write an important letter."

Ingrid frowned. "Well, that's not very exciting." Hiccup was hosting a summit between their allies on Defenders of the Wing Island that night. Hiccup and Snotlout set off for Wingmaiden Island to fetch their leader while Astrid set up the summit with Dagur and the others. Eira and Ingrid had been tasked with writing to Haldor to request support in the war with the flyers. "How is it coming along?" Ingrid peeked over her sister's shoulder.

"Just fine. I've already informed him about the situation. Now I need to give a timeline of when to send support."

"Hmm..." Ingrid appeared thoughtful. "That's a tough one. It takes about a week to get here, but we have no idea when we will need help. If we ask him to wait for another letter, that means two weeks would pass before they get here."

"We will need help after either us or the dragon flyers obtain five Dragon Eye lenses. I could write a second letter after we obtain four."

Ingrid nodded. "That might work out."

Eira smiled. "Excellent." She resumed writing.

Ingrid bit her lip while mulling something over in her mind. "Uh, Eira?"


Ingrid hesitated. "Do you think - do you think you could tell Haldor I want to stay here with you... even when I stop teaching Snotlout?"

Eira looked back at her in surprise. "Why? Are you almost finished?"

"No, not really. There's a lot more I could teach him. I'm just thinking ahead, and... there's no guarantee you too will stay together."

Eira frowned. "Ingrid, do you know something I don't? Did Snotlout say something to you?"

Ingrid internally panicked but masked this behind a smile. "No, he didn't say anything. Why, did he say something to you?"

"Well... he said we don't kiss enough. But it's not that he wants me to. He just thinks we should."

Ingrid relaxed slightly. She had to admit, she was surprised Snotlout had actually brought the topic up to her. Maybe he was learning. "Don't you think you should?"

Eira glanced at the floor. "I guess. We've been trying to practice, but it's hard to force it."

"You shouldn't have to force it. It should come naturally. You should want to be around each other a lot and do things like kiss."

Eira looked at her quizzically. "But you said it's more important that we get along."

"That doesn't make the romantic aspect unimportant." Ingrid sighed. Why was everyone twisting her words? "Look, it's true you can succeed in a marriage with merely friendship, but that doesn't make it the ideal. You're not marrying for a political alliance or because you're running out of time. You're young and free. You have the luxury of choosing someone with whom you have a strong friendship and romantic attraction."

Eira furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "You said it can grow, right?"

"Well, yes. Sometimes it takes time. Just make sure you don't take too much time. There's no disgrace in saying you gave it your best shot."

Eira nodded slowly. "I think I understand. Alright, I'll give it some thought. And I'll tell Haldor you want to stay."

Ingrid smiled slightly. "Thanks, Eira."

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