Temporary Solution

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Chapter 32: Temporary Solution

"Good work, Swiftwings," Eira said as the dragon landed in the middle of camp. They had just flown around the island, practicing their speed and agility. She was just about to suggest something else when she saw something fly overhead. A green Gronckle and...

Eira gasped. Dagur! She quickly took care of her dragon and then headed for the clubhouse.

When she arrived, she found everyone inside, watching Dagur devour a piece of mutton. Shattermaster eagerly munched on a pile of rocks off to the side. Dagur appeared to be talking animatedly about something, but when he saw Eira, he abruptly stopped and rushed over to her.

"Eira!" he exclaimed. He hugged her tightly, making sure to keep his food out of the way. "It's good to see you!"

Eira smiled slightly and hugged him back. "It's good to see you too, Dagur. What are you doing here?"

"He says he knows how we can hurt Viggo," Hiccup said. "Which he should get back to."

"Yes, of course," Dagur said. He released Eira and turned to face the others. "The strangest thing happened while I was out traveling the world in search of Oswald the Agreeable."

"Wait a minute," Heather said. "You're searching for our father?"

"You see, since I didn't kill him, and you didn't kill him, I figured he must be out there, somewhere. So there I was searching for dear old dad. When I captured the wimpiest Dragon Hunter." Dagur laughed and looked to Hiccup. "I mean he was just a little tiny wimpy, he was about, your size and build."

Hiccup frowned. "Hmm."

"No offense. Anyway, all I had to do was sneer at him, and he gave up everything! I mean I actually had to give him the Berserker Choke Hold just to shut him up!"

"So, what did the hunter say about Viggo?"

"I'll tell you if you call me brother. Please?" Dagur grinned at Hiccup. "Just once? Please?" But Hiccup merely frowned at him. "Ok, ok, just a barrel of laughs aren't you?" He sighed. "He told me where Viggo hides his gold."

"What!" Astrid exclaimed.

"Woah!" Tuffnut said.

Dagur appeared thoughtful. "And if I remember correctly some of the gold-"

"-is Berk's gold," Astrid finished.

Dagur grinned. "Bingo!"

Eira smiled at him. "Good job, Dagur."

"And we can get it back and cripple Viggo in one blow!" Hiccup said. He started for the door. "Let's ride!"

"Don't forget the best part," Dagur said. "After we get your gold back, if you don't mind I'll take a few bags of Viggo's for myself. Heather and I will need it as we embark on an epic journey to reunite with our father and rebuild the Berserker tribe as a family!" He put his arm around Heather and pulled her close to him.

Heather chuckled nervously. "Aheh, yeah right Dagur. I-I think you've taken one to many to the head." She slipped out of his grasp and backed away.

"I'm serious, Heather; that's why I'm here."

Eira exchanged a look with Hiccup. He had told her not to mention anything to Dagur until they were sure what they wanted to do. But looking at Fishlegs' forlorn expression, she hoped too much trouble would not be caused in the processes. She moved to stand next to Heather. "I'm sure you can talk about that later."

"You're still welcome to change your mind and join us, Eira!" Dagur said brightly.

"She will not be doing that," Snotlout said, glaring at Dagur. He grabbed Eira's arm and pulled her out of the clubhouse.

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