Snotlout's Training

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Chapter 45: Snotlout's Training

"Snotlout, pay attention," Ingrid chided the boy who sat across from her in the clubhouse. "This is important."

"Why do I have to know all about Torvald's history anyway?" Snotlout complained. "I barely know the history of Berk."

Ingrid sighed and shook her head. "Because you're dating their princess. If you two end up together, you need to understand her heritage. What will your say if our dad asks you something you can't answer?"

Snotlout paled. "I, uh, well..."

"You don't need to memorize anything. You just need to get the general idea."

Snotlout frowned. "Why can't Eira teach me?"

"Because she would be too distracting. And this is my job."

"Can't we take a break and do something more exciting? Like learn how Torvaldians fight?" Snotlout gave her a hopeful smile.

Ingrid paused to think about it. They had been at this for awhile, and it might be good for them to move around a bit. "Alright, we'll move onto dancing."

Snotlout stared at her blankly. "Dancing?"

Ingrid smiled. "Yes, dancing. I'll teach you a traditional Torvaldian dance."

Snotlout scoffed. "I don't dance."

"You do now. Come on." She hopped up from her seat and moved to the middle of the room where there was plenty of space. Snotlout reluctantly followed her. "At the very least you'll have to dance at your union ceremony, right?"

Snotlout immediately appeared flustered. "U-Union ceremony? Isn't it a bit too early to think about that?" He wrung his hands in front of him nervously.

Ingrid rolled her eyes. "Of course not. The purpose of dating is to find someone to marry, right? You get to know someone and figure out whether or not you want to take that step. Part of the process is figuring out how you would work together if you were married. Can you really make that kind of decision if you know nothing about her homeland? I'm trying to help you out here."

Snotlout rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Ingrid. It just sounds like a lot of pressure."

Ingrid smiled gently at him. "There's no pressure, really. I'm helping you learn the information you'll need when you're ready."

Snotlout nodded. "Fine, I'm ready."

"Great! Let me show you how this dance is done." The girl started to move her body to an inaudible rhythm. Snotlout kept his eyes on her, but she could tell he got lost pretty quickly. "And that's it."

"Uh, can you do that again?"

Ingrid chuckled. "Maybe this will help." She moved so they stood side-by-side. "Watch my feet and try to follow again." She performed the steps a little slower this time. Still, Snotlout could barely keep up.

"It's no use!" he groaned in frustration. "I'm no good at this."

"You just need some practice. You'll get better."

"It would be easier if there were music."

Ingrid agreed. She debated an idea in her head for a minute before deciding to just go with it. "Alright, here's what we're going to do. This is a couple dance, so you're going to dance with me while I sing. Try to copy my movements but improvise if you get lost."

Snotlout looked at her curiously. "You can sing?"

"Of course I can. It was part of our training growing up. Haven't you heard Eira sing?"

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