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Chapter 50: Closure

"Thank you for coming with us, Eira," Dagur said excitedly.

"It's no problem," Eira said with a smile. Her brother recently returned home, leaving Runa with  Asmund. Now Eira, Dagur, Fishlegs, and Hiccup stood outside the clubhouse with their dragons, ready to go on a new adventure. Heather had recently become obsessed with finding her father, and Dagur was worried for her safety. Their father's journal suggested they search Vanaheim, the final resting place of dragons that the riders had been to once before. That was where they were headed now.

"Are you sure Snotlout does not mind?"

Eira had not even thought to ask him. Her boyfriend had not shown any jealousy towards Dagur at all since she chose him. She looked into the clubhouse to see Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Snotlout, and Ingrid discussing the whereabouts of Chicken. "He's fine. I think he's really into Chicken's case."

"I'll make sure he doesn't get into trouble," Ingrid said.

"And I'll watch the other two," said Astrid.

"Thank you," Hiccup said.

So, Eira and the others took off. It was a pleasant flight to the foreboding island. Eira hoped their visit would go better than last time. The Sentinel dragons that guarded the island really did not like their presence.

"All right, gang, here's the plan," Hiccup said when they neared their destination. "We land, look for Oswald, and then cover ourselves in fruit."

"Not that I don't appreciate a good fruit bath now and again," Dagur said, "I mean, the last one was just... Uh, but I really don't see how it's gonna help."

"To escape, Dagur. To escape."

Dagur peered at the Sentinels in the distance. "So, those statues are really dragons?"

"Don't worry," said Fishlegs. "They're not gonna bother us on the way in. Maybe on the way out."

But he spoke too soon. The Sentinels flew from their posts and surrounded the dragons. They must have remembered their scents from last time! They were forced to fight off the dragons as they made their way to the island.

"Are those sick dragons?" Fishlegs said when he noticed the Sentinels allow a flock of dragons to pass by.

"Must be," Hiccup said.

"Oh!" Dagur exclaimed. "So they're letting those little shifty dragons on but not us? I didn't come all this way not to get Heather some answers. Follow me!" He darted straight for the beach, and the others had no choice but to follow him. All four of them crashed into the sand and fell off their dragons. At least the Sentinels no longer bothered them.

"That was brilliant, Dagur!" Fishlegs said. "You knew the gust of air from the wing clap would slow us down just enough so we wouldn't be smashed to bits."

Dagur gave him a sheepish smile. "Yeah. Let's go with that."

"We should be fine for now," Eira said, watching the Sentinels fly off. The riders dusted themselves off and began their search for Oswald. Soon, it seemed they had scoured every part of the island but found no clues.

"Trying to think positively here, but it feels like we've been walking in circles," Dagur said in frustration.

"Wait, I found something!" said Fishlegs, peering at the ground. "I've never seen teeth like this before. Maybe Sharp Class?"

"And there are more over here," Hiccup said from across the way.

"Great!" Dagur grumbled. "So, besides finding a bunch of dragon teeth, the diary led us to another dead end. Yippee!"

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