The Prince of Torvald

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Chapter 20: The Prince of Torvald

Two weeks passed before Eira heard from Dagur. He apologized for making her worry, but he had too much to think about lately. He was fine and settling in nicely. She should not go to him. He needed to be alone. As much as she wanted to see him, she respected his wishes.

Life fell into a dull routine at Dragon's Edge. Everyone assumed Viggo would start causing chaos now that he had the Dragon Eye, but they had not run into any dragon hunters in weeks. Then Eira received a letter from her parents asking if she could visit home for awhile. She had to admit she missed her family and her land. It had been over a year since she left. Still, she did not want to leave the dragon riders vulnerable.

When another month passed with little activity, Hiccup told Eira she should make her visit now before things started to pick up again. So, she sent her parents a letter explaining her intentions. When she received their reply, she was off. She left Squirt with her friends, telling them to send word if they needed her to return. They said she should take as much time as she needed.

Eira enjoyed her visit with her family. Her siblings poured love on her, and she got to share tales of her epic adventures. Her parents had good advice on how to deal with the dragon hunters. Even Swiftwings appeared pleased to be back in her homeland.

Six weeks later, Squirt arrived with a message that the dragon riders had a smalls scuffle with the dragon hunters. It might be time for her to return. And so, at dinner that evening, she explained her intentions to leave in a week's time. They all sat at the long table, the king at the head.

"We understand your need to depart quickly," her father said, "but we do have one request to make of you."

"Anything," Eira said politely.

The king exchanged a glance with his wife. "We would like you to take Haldor with you to spend time on your... Dragon's Edge."

Eira looked at him in surprise. "Really? Isn't he needed here?" Before she left, her elder brother was constantly busy learning how to be king.

"We can manage for some time without him," her mother said. "And it will be good for him to form diplomatic relations with other lands."

"And I am excited to meet your friends," Haldor said with a smile.

"We want to go too, but Mom said we have to let the oldest go first," said Ingrid.

"It is alright with you, isn't it?" her father said.

"Yes, of course," said Eira. "It's just that... no one knows I am a princess, and if I arrive with the future king..."

"Chief Stoick already knows who you are."

Her eyes went wide. "W-What?"

"I apologize, but it would look on bad on us if we lied to him. I had Asmund tell him the truth. I also think you should tell his son, but I will leave that to you."

"I'm fine with concealing my identity if it will make you more comfortable," Haldor said. "I'll simply be your brother."

Eira gave him a relieved smile. "Thank you. I do appreciate it. How long will you stay?"

"You stayed with us for six weeks, so I will do the same. I am sure Torvald can spare me for two months."

"And then we'll get our turns!" Oliver said excitedly.

Eira chuckled at this. She had not thought her siblings would want to visit her at her new home. Now that she thought about it, it would be fun to show her brother around. Everything would work out.

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