Love Investigation

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Chapter 41: Love Investigation

Ingrid slept well in Eira's hut and woke up feeling rested. She followed her sister in her morning routine, deciding to stay silent for now. Then they headed to the clubhouse together for an informal meeting. Hiccup wanted to search for dragon hunter activity but told the others they were free to do as they pleased.

"Do you want me to show you around the island?" Eira asked her sister.

Ingrid smiled and shook her head. "No, thank you. I'll have Snotlout show me."

"What?" said Snotlout, who was standing nearby.

"It'll be a good chance for us to get to know each other."

"Oh, uh, right."

"Okay," said Eira. "Have fun."

Ingrid gave Snotlout a bright smile. "Let's go!"

The two of them headed straight to the stables and their dragons. They were soon in the air, surveying the island. Ingrid could tell Snotlout was nervous around her. He kept attempting to show off, which usually resulted in awkward failure. She remembered what Eira had told her about his anxiety problems. She thought she knew a way to help.

"Let's take a rest here," Ingrid said after Snotlout dove down to show her a swimming hole. "We can talk in private."

"Right," Snotlout said. He stumbled while trying to dismount Hookfang and fell on his back. The Monstrous Nightmare snorted at him. "I meant to do that."

Ingrid chuckled lightly. "It's alright." She offered him her hand and helped him to his feet.

"I-I can do better!" Snotlout said quickly. "I'm not normally like this. I just-"

Ingrid shook her head. "You need to calm down. Shadowwhisper, can you help me out here?"

"What?" Snotlout said in confusion. The Hobblegrunt strode up to Snotlout and stared into his eyes. A moment later, he visibly relaxed. "Wow, that feels really good!"

Ingrid smiled. "You're more yourself when you're calm and can think clearly. If you're ever feeling anxious, Shadowwhisper can give you a hand - er, claw."

Snotlout grinned at the dragon. "Thank you, Shadowwhisper! You too, Ingrid."

"Anytime. Now are you ready to talk?"

Snotlout nodded. "I think so."

"Don't worry, I'll start with the easy questions." Ingrid walked over to a tree and leaned against it. "Why do you want to be with my sister?"

Snotlout blinked. "Why?"

"Yes. Think back before you met me and knew she was a princess. Why were you so determined to win her affections? Why her?"

"Because she's the most amazing girl I know. She's kind, patient, and brave. She's the only person who always listens to me and supports me. She puts up with me when the others don't. We fight well together and have become really good friends. I want things to stay that way. I want to continue overcoming dangers together. I've come to rely on her, and I don't want to lose her."

Ingrid nodded with a small smile on her face. "That is very good, Snotlout." She was surprised he had opened up so quickly. Shadowwhisper's work seemed to have really done the trick. "I know she feels the same way about you. The question is, why take the leap beyond friendship? What are your feelings?"

Snotlout shifted uncomfortably. "Feelings? I'm not exactly good with those."

"Just try your best. How do you feel when you're around her?"

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