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Chapter 10: Aftermath

Eira awoke in her hut at Berk with a searing headache. And yet, the pain had lessened greatly from when she first received the wound. She reached up to touch her forehead instinctively, feeling a rough bandage.

"Careful," Asmund said. He sat by her bed, his usual stoic expression turned to a look of concern.

"Asmund," the girl said, sitting up slowly, "have you been there all night?"

"Of course," the man said without a hint of regret. "It is my job to see to your well-being."

She gave him a small smile. "I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble."

"Not at all. Your friend Snotlout told me what happened. Though I do not condone you putting yourself in such danger, you did it to save another, and for that, your father would surely be proud... as am I."

Tears brimmed Eira's eyes. She sniffed and wiped them with her arm. "Thank you, Asmund. That means a lot to me."

Loud pounding on the door echoed throughout the room. "Hey!" came Snotlout's muffled voice. "Is Eira awake?"

Asmund frowned and stood. "If she was not, she would be now." He opened the door, and Snotlout tumbled to the floor.

The young Viking scrambled to his feet, fixing his helmet. "Hey, Eira, how are you feeling?"

"Better," Eira said. "Thank you."

Asmund looked from Snotlout to Eira. "I will prepare something for you to eat."

Eira nodded. "Thank you, Asmund."

Once Asmund had left the room, shutting the door behind him, Snotlout made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge. "Are you really alright? You were hurt pretty bad. Not that I didn't think you would make it, but... the others were very worried."

Eira smiled. "I'm fine. I appreciate your concern." She reached out her hand and placed it on top of his on the bed. She felt him flinch at the contact, but he did not withdraw his hand. "Thank you for making sure I got back here safely. You're a good friend."

Snotlout looked away, and Eira almost thought she saw him blushing. "Right. It was nothing." He looked up at the ceiling and then down at the bed. "So, uh... Why did you do it? Save, Dagur, I mean. Not that there's anything wrong with what you did. I just-"

"It's fine," Eira said, cutting him off. He seemed to relax as he finally looked at her again. "I did it because I couldn't just stand there and watch someone get hurt while there was something I could do about it. And it's not like I had much time to think. I just... acted." She assumed she would have done the same thing for anyone else. She did not think there was anything special about Dagur.

"I think what you did was very brave. We're lucky to have you with us. If you'd do that for an enemy, you'd do if for your friends, right?"

"Of course." She smirked playfully. "Are you expecting me to need to save you sometime soon?"

Snotlout shook his head. "Not at all! I was talking about the others."

Eira chuckled. "Right. I suppose you'll be the one saving me?"

He flushed. "I-If you need me to."

She smiled and shook her head. She could tell that he was so used to vying for attention without receiving any that he was not quite sure how to react when he actually got it. She found his awkwardness cute. 

There was a gentle knock on the door. "That must be Asmund," she said.

Snotlout finally pulled his hand away and stood up. "I'll find a Terrible Terror and let Hiccup know what's going on. I don't want the others to worry too much. And I'll ask Gothi when she thinks you'll be well enough to fly on your own."

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