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Chapter 49: Eternal

Hiccup did not like Eira's plan. However, like Haldor, he trusted her to do what she thought was right. So, she spent an entire day crafting the perfect letter to Viggo - with Runa's help, of course. She needed to convince him to meet with her alone. She had to prevent him from being suspicious she was setting him up and prevent him him trying to set her up.

Eira ended up telling him she needed to talk to him about Runa. She knew there was a risk he would think she thought Runa his weakness and was using her against him, but she was betting he had already figured her out and believed she would not do something like that. And perhaps he might even think this a chance to get closer to her and later use that against her. After looking over the letter one last time, she sealed it and sent it off with her Terrible Terror.

Runa was staying with Haldor on Berk, and she met Eira and Ingrid on Berserker Island. They found Dagur and Heather, and the five of them set off on their dragons. Eira could not help being nervous as they flew under the night sky. So much could go wrong so quickly. Sure, Hiccup would eventually send backup if they never returned home, but by then it would probably be too late.

Eira chose an island far enough from Dragon's Edge that Viggo's concerns should be eased. She landed in the middle near a giant boulder as per her instructions. She was alone. Ingrid and Runa hovered out of sight while Dagur and Heather surveyed the island for dragon hunters.

Eira heard the sound of footsteps. Then Viggo stepped out from the trees and into the moonlight. He stopped a yard from Eira, and the two studied each other. Like usual, Eira could detect nothing from his face. She did take in the scarring on the left side of his face. He appeared to have been burned. From the volcano, she realized.

Viggo tensed when Dagur and Heather landed behind her, and he reached for his weapon. "They won't hurt you," Eira said. "They're here for both of our protection so we can talk in peace."

"But if you hurt Eira-" Dagur warned.

"Not to worry," Viggo said in a smooth voice. "I have no desire to harm your girl."

Dagur shot Eira a furtive glance. "She-she's not my girl."

"She's with someone else," Heather explained.

Viggo quirked an eyebrow. "My apologies. I assumed-"

"Don't act like you're surprised," Dagur said bitterly.

"No need to sound so accusing. I meant no harm." Viggo gazed at Eira with a broad smile. "My dear, what is it you wished to discuss?"

Eira swallowed to wet her throat. "There are two others with us - Torvaldians who wanted to meet you."

Right on cue, Ingrid flew down and landed by her sister. "Hi there!" Calmness immediately wafted through the area.

"This is my sister, Ingrid."

"A Hobblegrunt?" said Viggo. "Are you trying to lower my guard?"

"We just want you to feel comfortable," Ingrid said. "We're not here to harm you."

Viggo eyed Eira carefully. "And the second?"

The Silver Phantom descended. He landed on Eira's other side, and his rider gracefully slipped off his back. She brushed her hair back with her hand before giving Viggo a timid smile. "Hello, Viggo."

Eira had never seen Viggo so defenseless. From the look in his eyes she knew that he loved her. "Runa..." he murmured. Then he suddenly rounded on Eira, his eyes flaring. "Why did you bring here? You were supposed to keep her safe!"

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