Trouble with Heather

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Chapter 11: Trouble with Heather

Hiccup did not solve the Heather problem. Not at first, at least. The dragon riders awoke to find their dragons locked up and Heather and Hiccup gone. Fortunately, the two of them soon returned together and freed the dragons amidst more grumblings.

"I think it's about time you tell us what's going on," Snotlout said to Heather, arms crossed.

"She's been going after Dagur," Hiccup said. "The two of us managed to escape him just now."

"Dagur burned my village to the ground, and I lost my parents in the battle," Heather explained. "He needs to pay for what he's done."

"Then why are you conspiring against us?" Tuffnut said.

"She's not conspiring against us," said Hiccup.

Heather sighed. "Look, I'm sorry I locked up your dragons. I just didn't trust that you guys would let me go after Dagur."

"Trust does need to be earned with people and dragons," Fishlegs said.

Heather smiled at him. "Thanks for understanding, Fishlegs."

"I don't really trust these guys either, Heather," said Snotlout.

Astrid rolled her eyes. "You know, we can hear you."

Snotlout moved in closer to her. "Jealousy is an ugly quality, Astrid. But clearly, I understand where it comes from."

Astrid stepped away from him. "Ugh."

Eira sighed and shook her head.

"The point is, we have you back, Heather," Hiccup said. "You're one of us."

Fishlegs nodded. "Yeah, I stocked Windshear's stable with buckets of sea slugs."

"And I made room for you in my hut!" said Snotlout.

"And I've made it clear to Snotlout that you're not staying in his hut," said Hiccup.

Tuffnut walked right up to Heather and gave her a hard look. "Even though you were the rogue dragon rider and you sabotaged our dragons and you snuck away in the dark of the night... Wait a minute, why do we like you again?"

Heather placed a hand on her heart and gave him an apologetic look. "I'm truly sorry, Tuffnut."

Tuffnut stagged back. "Whoa! That was... sincere. What am I supposed to do with that? I'm a little bit flushed and overwhelmed. Little help here? People?!"

Ruffnut groaned. "Ugh. Help yourself."

"Uh, Heather?" Eira said tentatively. "I have a question."

"What is it, Eira?" Heather said.

"You said Dagur needs to pay... what exactly do you mean by that?"

Heather smiled. "That's simple. I am going to kill him."

Eira frowned. "I see." She had been afraid of that. She knew something was off about this girl. At least everything was out in the open now.

Astrid pulled Heather's arm and dragged her away. "Let's go have some girl time."

"Good idea," Heather said.

Once they were gone, Eira turned to Hiccup and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"I'll talk to her!" he said, getting her silent message.

"I hope it goes better than your last talk."

Hiccup sighed. "You and I both."


Eira could not stop worrying about Heather, who had run off with Astrid. She could not enjoy herself with any of her friends because all they wanted to do was praise the newcomer. Of course, she could not say anything against her. She did not talk about people behind their backs. Eventually, she found herself in the clubhouse watching Hiccup work on the Dragon Eye.

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