Saving Heather

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Chapter 19: Saving Heather

Eira managed a few hours of asleep. When she could no longer keep her eyes closed, she got up and walked around Dragon's Edge while thinking about everything that transpired the previous night. Hiccup told everyone they needed to think of a strategic plan before the rushed in to save Heather. Knowing what they did about Viggo, Eira agreed.

But what kind of plan could they devise that Viggo would not see coming? He probably believed them desperate to free Heather and so prone to mistakes. Eira bet he planned to kill her no matter what they did. There was no way he could let her live.

And what about Dagur? Eira understood his anger. His sister had betrayed him. Still, would he really be able to watch her die? Eira remembered the rumor that Dagur had killed his father to become chief. A rumor she still did not buy. But she bet Viggo did, and that meant he had little reason to doubt Dagur could kill his own sister as well.

Eira entered the clubhouse to find that Hiccup and Astrid had just returned from a mission to check Viggo's ship for anything useful. Hiccup carried a board with carved playing pieces. It seemed to be some sort of game she had never seen.

"Hiccup, Maces and Talons!" Fishlegs exclaimed. "Does this mean-"

"No, Fishlegs," Hiccup said, setting the game on a table.

"But Maces and Talons was designed to test the abilities and decision making expertise of future chiefs in the heat of battle."

Eira smiled at him, grateful for the explanation.

"I'm not taking over as Chief of Berk," Hiccup said. "Viggo left this for me. He wants me to play Maces and Talons with him."

"Viggo's here?" said Tuffnut.

"We got next!" said Ruffnut.

"Guys, no, no," Hiccup said. "He's not here and we're not using the board. We're playing for real. With real people. Viggo is forcing my hand. He's making me play him for Heather's life." He picked up a playing piece and examined it.

"And what happens if you don't play?" Fishlegs asked. Hiccup dropped the piece on the board, showing it had been sliced in two. Fishlegs' eyes went wide. "Oh, no, no, no. Well, you you have to play, Hiccup. You just have to."

"And we need a strategy," said Snotlout.

"We do, Snotlout," said Hiccup. "And that strategy has to be different than any he's ever seen or tried. Otherwise, Heather won't stand a chance."

"May I say something?" Eira said tentatively.

Hiccup turned to her. "Yes, of course. What is it, Eira?"

She took a deep breath. "I doubt Viggo is going to have Heather lying around for us to take. If I had to guess, I'd say when we attack, he will make it a race for us to get to her before he has her killed. Or he may even kill her in front of us."

Astrid winced. "Do we really have to think about that?"

"We do if we want to save her," Snotlout said. "And Eira has a point."

"She does," said Hiccup. "Do you have any other speculations, Eira?"

"Well," she continued, "Viggo is not someone to do the dirty work himself. He will certainly have someone else in mind to kill Heather, and who better than her betrayed brother who has already - allegedly - killed a family member."

"Dagur," Snotlout muttered.

Eira nodded. "I talked to him before we fled last night, and he was angry... at me a little bit, but especially at Heather."

The Strength of the Princess (HTTYD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora