Close Call

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Chapter 9: Close Call

"This is it," Gustav said as the ship docked on the island. The boy led the way onto dry land, but after walking several paces, he suddenly stopped.

"Why are we stopping?" Dagur said.

"No reason," said Gustav. "I was just kind of impressed that you trusted your men enough to show them exactly where the treasure is hidden." He leaned in closely and whispered to him. "Especially when there's so much of it."

Dagur cast his men a suspicious glance. "Stay here."

"Why?" said one of the crew members in confusion.

"Oh, uh, let's see, uh... I don't know. Maybe because..." He suddenly shouted loudly: "I SAID SO!"

The man's eyes widened in fear. "Oh, good idea, sir. We'll stay here."

"What about Swiftwings and me?" Eira said. "We're not after any treasure."

Dagur frowned as he looked her over. "I'm not sure you've quite proven yourself trustworthy..." His gaze flicked to the Windwalker. "And we only need one dragon."

"Swiftwings can keep an eye on the crew," Gustav said. "I would like Eira to join us."

Dagur nodded. "Very well. Proceed."

Gustav led the way to the mouth of a cave. Then he held out the Dragon Eye Dagur handed to him. "Fanghook, slow burn." The Monstrous Nightmare let out a low flame, and a map appeared on the rock wall in front of them.

Dagur grinned. "Ah, I see. You outdid yourself, Hiccup. I love this thing."

Gustav led the way through the cave with Eira beside him and Fanghook and Dagur behind. A loud rumbling sound made Eira uneasy and reminded her of when she had explored this place with the dragon riders. She hoped her young companion knew what he was doing.

Dagur appeared unnerved as well. "Uh, so, does that happen a lot?"

Gustav shrugged. "You get used to it."

Eira alternated between watching Gustav and Dagur as they walked. She was not quite sure she trusted Dagur either, and she took her role as Gustav's caretaker seriously.

"Are we there yet?" Dagur said after several minutes of silence.

"We're close," Gustav said. "Very close."

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear."

Eira did not like the tone of his voice. She spun around to face him and gasped when she saw him advancing towards Gustav with a malicious look. "Gustav!" she cried.

Gustav swiftly turned and aimed the glowing end of the Dragon Eye at Dagur, temporarily blinding him.

Dagur shielded his eyes and stumbled back. "Aah! Aah! Oh, bright light, bright light, bright light!"

Eira grabbed Eira's arm and pulled him behind a rock to hide. She heard his shallow breathing and quickened heartbeat, and she understood why he had wanted her along. He was not as brave as he presented himself. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to reassure him that they would get out of this together.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Dagur taunted as the rumbling of the loose rocks increased.

Eira waited with baited breath, willing herself to remain silent. Gustav tried to cover the light from the Dragon Eye with his hand, but it still shone though. Suddenly, Dagur appeared before them, and she let out a loud gasp.

"Gotcha!" he exclaimed.

"No... we've got you," a voice said from across the cave. Eira looked up in relief to see Hiccup, Toothless, and Fanghook standing on a rock. Dagur scowled. "Good work, Gustav. Oh, what's the matter, Dagur? No barbs, no comebacks? I thought we had a shorthand, I thought you loved that stuff."

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