Love Conquers All

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Chapter 55: Love Conquers All

"Tell me, did you have fun?" Dagur said as he entered his house with Eira. The two of them had spent a lot of time together in the past couple of weeks, and today was another glorious example. He could hardly believe she was finally his.

Eira smiled at him. "It was great, Dagur. I always have fun with you."

Dagur grinned. "Good." He grabbed her hands and pulled her into him, his heart warming when she did not resist. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and nuzzled his face into her hair. They fit perfectly together, like it was meant to be that way.

Eira let out a contented sigh. "I wish it could always be this way."

"It will be one day. I'll make sure of it." Something occurred to Dagur, bringing a frown to his face that he was glad she couldn't see. "Hey, Eira, Ingrid isn't going to try to 'train' me like she did Snotlout, is she?"

"No, she is aware that is a hopeless cause. It actually helped Snotlout out, but I don't think it would be good for you."

"But what about your parents?"

Eira leaned back to look at him. He did see worry in her eyes, but there was also something else: resolve. "I don't know what I'm going to do about my parents, but we'll face that together. I feel like I can do anything - even seemingly impossible things - when I'm with you."

Dagur smiled. "I feel the same way about you." He brought his right hand to her cheek and gently stroked it. "I love you, Eira, and I promise I'll always make you happy."

Eira placed her hand on Dagur's, curling her fingers around it. "I love you too."

Dagur would never tire of hearing her say that. He lightly pressed her hand against the small of her back to push her closer to him. To his surprise and delight, it was her who closed the distance between their faces and kissed him. He moved his hand to the back of her head, deepening the kiss. He heard her moan into his mouth, and he grinned against her lips.

"I love you," Dagur said again. He started kissing her skin - her cheek, her neck, anywhere he could reach, while his hands roamed her body with playful affection. "I love you so much."

Eira giggled at his actions. "Dagur..."

He paused to look at her with a smile. "Is this real?"

Eira wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his head down until his forehead rested against hers. "Yes, it's real. It's the realest thing I've ever felt."

Overcome with emotion, Dagur kissed her again. He was just getting into it when he heard a knock on the door. He held in a groan while his eyes flashed in annoyance. "Whoever that is will pay for interrupting us," he growled.

Eira merely smiled. "Best not keep them waiting."

Dagur reluctantly entangled himself from her. Then he stormed to the door, fully determined to give the knocker a piece of his mind. However, as soon as he saw Hiccup standing outside, his demeanor brightened considerably. "Brother! You came to visit me?"

"I'm afraid this isn't a social call, Dagur," Hiccup said. "I have something important I need to discuss."

"What's going on, Hiccup?" Eira said, coming to stand at the door next to Dagur.

"I've received an interesting piece of Terror mail. Is Runa around? I would like her to see this."

"She's probably with Heather," Dagur said. "I'll go find her!" And he was out of there before the other two could say anything. He indeed found Runa with his sister. He quickly explained the situation and then brought her back to his house. Eira and Hiccup were seated inside when they arrived.

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