Uncertain Feelings

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Chapter 33: Uncertain Feelings

Eira and Heather spent the next several days training with Dagur and showing him how things were done around Dragon's Edge. He was an enthusiastic learner and made everything fun. One afternoon, Eira and Dagur were flying around on their dragons when Dagur spotted a pond down below and decided to make a stop.

"That tastes good, doesn't it, Shattermaster?" Dagur said, watching the dragons drink from the pond.

Eira smiled at him. "You know, I'm impressed with how close you are with your dragon. You've come a long way."

Dagur grinned. "Thanks! A lot of it is thanks to you and Swiftwings." His eyes trailed to the Windwalker laying by the water. "Do you think she'll let me ride her on my own now?"

"It might be a bit too soon for that."

But Dagur wasn't listening. He approached Swiftwings from behind and reached out to touch her wing. Startled, the dragon leapt to her feet and swung around. Her tail knocked into Dagur in the process, sending him hurtling into the water. A second later, Dagur's head popped out, spitting water.

Eira burst out laughing. "I tried to warn you!"

"Hey!" Dagur exclaimed. "A little help here?"

Shattermaster must have thought Dagur was talking to him, for her bounded over to Eira and knocked her in the pond. Eira's eyes widened in surprise before she became submerged in the water. When she resurfaced, she found Dagur grinning at her.

"Good job, Shattermaster!" Dagur called. "The water actually feels kind of nice."

"It does feel good in the hot sun," Eira agreed. "But we need to dry off so we can head back soon." She stepped out of the water and wrung out her clothes to the best of her ability.

"I bet we would dry off faster if we ran!" No sooner had the words left his lips than Dagur darted past her at full speed.

"Hey! Wait up!" Eira ran after him, but he was much too quick for her. "Dagur!" He did look back at her and slowed his pace. Before she reached him, however, she tripped over a root and started to fall.

"Whoa!" Dagur appeared right in front of her, and she fell into his chest. He helped her steady herself, but he did not remove his hands from her arms.

Eira looked up at him, and her breath caught in her throat when she realized how close their faces were. She should have moved away, but she didn't want to. He gazed at her with an intensity she did not understand. His eyes flickered to her lips before returning to her eyes, and her pulse sped up. He started to lean in. She wondered what would happen if she let him-

She took a large step back, breaking their connection. Dagur frowned at her. "Is everything alright?" he asked in concern.

Eira had to look away from him. "I - I'm fine." She was just... confused. But how could she explain that to him?

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"No, it's not that!" When she looked back at him and saw the hope in his eyes, she realized she was just making this more difficult.

"Then what is it?" Dagur took a step toward her, and she took a step back.

"I... don't know."

Dagur appeared thoughtful. "Let's see if I can help. Eira, how do you feel about me?"

Eira's breath hitched. Why did he have to ask her that so directly? "I don't know. I'm sorry, Dagur. That's what I'm trying to figure out."

Dagur did not appeared bothered by her admission. "That's better than a rejection! How about I tell you how I feel about you?"

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