Searching for the Truth

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Chapter 37: Searching for the Truth

"There is no way we're believing one word this guy says," Astrid said as the dragon riders were gathered outside of Viggo's tent, waiting for Eira to finish her conversation with the man in question.

"We can't just ignore it," Hiccup said. "Astrid, there are to many lives at stake."

"Agreed," said Stoick. "Gobber and I will take the auxiliary riders back to Berk. Just in case."

Hiccup turned to Dagur. "Heather, Dagur, make sure Berserker Island's ready. Bring Eira with you."

Dagur grinned. "You got it, brother."

"Hey, why can't Eira come with us?" Snotlout said in annoyance.

"Because three is better than two," Hiccup said. "No complaining. We're going to check on the Defenders of the Wing."

"And what about Viggo?" Astrid said.

Hiccup glanced at the tent. "I guess he's coming with us. There's no other way, Astrid."

Eira finally emerged, appearing deep in thought. "Good news," Dagur said to her. "You're with us!"

Eira gave him a small smile and moved to stand by him.

"We're not going to ask her what she talked about?" Tuffnut said.

"Viggo claims he wanted to talk to her alone for her privacy," said Hiccup. "It's up to her if she wants to tell us."

"Thank you," Eira said. "He said nothing of immediate importance. Maybe I'll tell you later, but right now we should focus on defending our allies."

Hiccup nodded. "Right. Let's go."

"To Berserker Island!" Dagur exclaimed. He raced to Shattermaster and climbed on the dragon. Soon he, Heather, and Eira, were flying peacefully through the night. After awhile, the silence got to him, so he looked over at Eira. "If you want to share what Viggo said, I'm willing to listen."

"Dagur!" Heather scolded.

Dagur frowned. "What? She doesn't have to."

"It's fine," Eira said. "I was just thinking about that actually. Viggo caught me by surprise."

"What did he say?" Heather asked gently.

"Now who's being nosy?" Dagur said, earning an eye roll from his sister.

"He said he's heard rumors of a future attack on Torvald," Eira said.

"What?!" Heather said in alarm.

"That sounds like a threat to me," Dagur said.

"No, it wasn't," said Eira. "He wouldn't say who's responsible, but it has nothing to do with him. He told me because... he knows someone in Torvald he wants to protect. If I am able to get her to safety, he said he would give me information on the attack."

"'Her?'" said Heather.

"A sister?" Dagur said.

"A lover," Eira said. "He claims to have spent time in Torvald and became involved with a woman."

"Wow," Heather said. "That's surprising. Do you believe him?"

Eira hesitated. "I don't know. He seemed sincere, and I don't know what he could gain by lying."

"He may be trying to gain your trust so you'll tell Hiccup to believe him on everything else," Dagur said. "And he could do that whether or not it's true. So, it's best to keep those two separate."

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