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Chapter 51: Misgivings

The dragon riders took a couple of days to rest after their big adventure. Once she was ready, Heather decided she wanted to say goodbye to her father with only Astrid, so the two of them set off for Vanaheim together. Johann stopped by after they left and offered to help Hiccup find the jewels he needed to complete the Dragon Eye Two, and the twins agreed to go along for backup.

Meanwhile, the rest of the riders accompanied Dagur to Berserker Island to retrieve his Dragon Eye lens. "I'm glad you guys came with me," Dagur said. "Hate to admit this, but I might need the backup."

"Really?" said Snotlout. "For what?"

Dagur scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well, when I was a kid, I was bullied."

"Aww..." Eira and Ingrid said.

"You?!" Fishlegs exclaimed.

Dagur frowned. "Yes, me." He cleared his throat. "By one kid. Older, monstrous, tough as a Quaken, mean as a Speed Stinger. Ansson. Ansson the Abominable."

They arrived at the docks and were greeted by a laughing man. "Ansson the Abominable, you say?" he said.

"Abominable!" a woman laughed.

"Oh, he's right here," said the man. "Except we call him, Ansson the Incompetent." He pointed to a skinny man on a ship who slipped and fell into the water.

"I'm sure he was terrifying as a child," Eira said.

"He was!" Dagur insisted. His eyes narrowed at the man, and he stormed to the ship. "There he is! Ansson the Abominable."

Ansson turned around and smirked at Dagur. "Oh, well, if it isn't Dagur the Dainty," he said. Snotlout and Fishlegs started laughing.

Dagur chuckled. "Yeah, nobody calls me that anymore, Ansson, now that I'm chief and all."

"Oh, is that right? What brings you to the docks, Chief Dainty?"

Dagur continued to chuckle awkwardly. "Uh, hey, when we were kids, Ansson, you borrowed something from me."

Ansson gave him a look. "I took a lot of things from you."

"While there may be some truth to that, there is one little thing that I kind of need back. It's no big deal. Just a decorative glass, doohickey, with a metal rim."

Ansson nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I remember that thing. I used to set things on fire with it. I may still have it around here somewhere, Dainty."

Dagur groaned in frustration.

"Excuse me for a minute, Mr. Abominable," Snotlout said. He pulled Dagur off to the side and huddled with the others. "What are you waiting for? Look at that guy. Just take it from him."

Dagur looked anxiously from Ansson to Snotlout. "I can't. Look, old Dagur would've snatched it back by now and thrown him overboard. But I promised Heather I would lead by example from now on, so -"

"You know what?" said Fishlegs. "Good for you, Dagur."

"Put a sock in it, Fishface!" Snotlout snapped.

"No, it's great," Eira said. "You're doing the right thing, Dagur."

Ingrid nodded. "It's very chiefly of you."

Snotlout rolled his eyes. "Ugh! Listen, all bullies want things. Find something he really wants and then trade him for the lens."

"You know, Snotlout may be right," Fishlegs said.

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