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Chapter 31: Reunion

Eira actually enjoyed the rest of her time at Defenders of the Wing Island. Mala was a gracious host and had no hard feelings about what happened. Snotlout enthusiastically explained the trails to Hiccup and Heather, who were genuinely impressed. And then, at the end of the day, they all returned to Dragon's Edge.

"Listen, guys," Hiccup said as they landed, "there's something Heather and I need to tell you about our adventure yesterday."

But Eira stopped listening when she saw the Terrible Terror sitting in the grass, staring at her. "Squirt? You're finally back?" How long ago had she sent him out to find Dagur? Weeks? Months? She had lost count... and all hope of seeing him again.

"Eira, there's something you need to know," Heather began.

Eira spotted a note attached to the Terrible Terror's leg and snatched it. Unfurling it, her eyes widened when she saw who it was from. "Dagur's alive?"

"That's what we need to talk about," Hiccup said.

Eira wanted to read the letter right then and there, but she did not want to keep the other dragon riders, now scrambling around Hiccup and Heather, waiting. She lowered the letter and met Hiccup's eyes. "Alright, talk."

Hiccup launched into the tale, occasionally interrupted by Heather. Apparently, Dagur had been pretending to work with the dragon hunters because they had Shattermaster, but he also tried to secretly work against them when he could. Hiccup and Heather helped him rescue his dragon along with a bunch of other Gronckles. However, Dagur chose to lure the dragon riders away so that the Gronckles could escape.

"If that letter is from him, it means he made it," Heather said. "What does it say?"

Eira quickly scanned the letter to digest it first. Then she read it out loud: "Eira, I'm sorry I kept Squirt with me for so long. I wanted the company, and I was not ready for you to know about me. I'm sorry if I caused you to worry. I had to focus on saving my dragon, but now we're safe. Tell Heather I will see both of you soon. I will make everything up to you. Love, Dagur."

Eira wiped the tears in her eyes with her sleeve. "He was alive all this time? How could he not say anything?" If he knew she would worry, why did he put her through this? She was glad he was alive, but the feeling was also overwhelming.

"At least you know now," Hiccup said. "I'm sure he meant no harm by it."

"You know Dagur," Heather said. "He has a one track mind."

Eira bit her lip and nodded. "Yeah." She took a deep breath, but she still had no control over her swirling emotions. "I need a minute to process this."

"Of course," Hiccup said. "Take your time."

Eira folded the letter and placed it in her bag. Then she walked off with Swiftwings by her side. The two of the approached the woods and stopped. Eira found a tree to lean against and closed her eyes. Dagur was alive. Did this change anything? Did she want it to?


She did not know how long she had been there, but it must have been long enough for someone to worry. She opened her eyes to see Snotlout standing before her, darting his eyes around uncomfortably. "Yes?"

"Are you... alright?" He looked at her earnestly, easing her worries.

"I'll be fine," she said softly. "It's just a lot to take in, you know?"

"It is pretty crazy, but this is a good thing, right?"

"Yeah..." Eira wished she had an explanation for why she was acting this way, but she had not found one yet.

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