Dragon's Edge

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Chapter 7: Dragon's Edge

Snotlout could not believe Eira had simply agreed to go with Dagur. What was she thinking? She was supposed to stay with him. They were a team. After he and the others were freed from the cage and back on their dragons, he wanted to go after Dagur's ship, but Hiccup beat him to it, telling him to go home. Of course. Hiccup always had to be the hero.

Snotlout had half a mind to turn around and follow him anyway, but Hookfang seemed intent on leaving the graveyard as quickly as possible. Not that he could blame him. That place was pretty spooky. Still, he could not help but glance over his shoulder worriedly.

"She's going to be fine," Astrid said gently. "Eira can take care of herself."

Snotlout scoffed. "I'm not worried."

"Could have fooled me," Ruffnut said.

"If she wants to abandon us for a madman, that's her problem."

"She didn't abandon us," Tuffnut said. "She's right behind us."

Snotlout looked over his shoulder to see Eira and Hiccup behind them on their dragons. He quickly hid his relief. "Good for her." He did not care.

He did not care so much that he ignored her the whole flight home. Not that she tried to talk to him. She did not even apologize!

Soon, the dragon riders arrived back on Berk and landed at the academy. Hiccup immediately pulled out the cylindrical object he had found on the ship. "Well, gang, that did not exactly go as planned," he said, "but at least we retrieved this. It's got to do something important."

"Before you play with your new toy, can we discuss the wisdom of her decisions today?" Snotlout said, pointing an accusing finger at Eira.

Eira appeared surprised. "What do you mean?"

Astrid rolled her eyes. "I don't think you're the one who should be questioning people's wisdom, Snotlout."

"Eira is fine just like the rest of us," said Fishlegs. "What's the problem?"

"The problem is that she gave into the bad guy!" Snotlout exclaimed.

Eira frowned. "I did not give in. I had a plan."

"A plan to get yourself kidnapped by Dagur? If you hadn't been so nice to him, he would have left you with the rest of us."

"Exactly! He doesn't know me, so this was my best chance to learn about him and get information out of him. Isn't it better to know your enemy? He certainly seems to know how Hiccup's mind works."

"She's got a point there," Hiccup said. "And she did manage to free herself with Swiftwings and retrieve this device." He held up the object. "She didn't even need my help."

"Good for you, Eira," Fishlegs said with a smile.

Snotlout shot him a look. "She left us!"

"I would have left us if I wasn't in that cage," Tuff said, earning an elbow in the side from Ruff.

"I was going to help you guys before I got caught," Eira said. "Then I changed tactics. It's not like I was in any serious danger. I got the feeling Dagur would not hurt me if I played it right."

"But Snotlout said he wasn't worried about you," Ruff said.

Snotlout crossed his arms and looked away. "That's right. I just... We're partners. We're supposed to help each other... according to Hiccup."

"If this is on my, why are you the one upset?" Hiccup said in exasperation.

"Snotlout," Eira said somewhat cautiously, all signs of defensiveness gone, "are you hurt because you thought I left you alone?"

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