Mala's King

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Chapter 27: Mala's King

Queen Mala took the dragon riders on a tour of her village. Their dedication to dragons amazed Eira. They even had a healing center to tend to their wounds. Fishlegs appeared especially fascinated by everything and did not hesitate to request more information.

"Uh, Your Majesty, what dragon is this?" he said as they stopped in front of the statue of a golden dragon.

"That is our Great Protector," Mala explained. "The Eruptodon. He eats lava from the volcano to keep us all safe. If not for him, all of this would burn to the ground."

Fishlegs appeared excited by the news. "So, it is a Boulder class."

"I think your Great Protector is asleep on the job," Snotlout said, pointing to the lava flowing down into the village.

Mala's eyes went wide. "That should not be!"

"Let us check it out for you," Hiccup said. "We can be there in just a few-"

"No, Hiccup Haddock. While you are here, I ask you to respect our ways. You may come with us on foot."

Hiccup held up his hands. "Okay, we'll do it your way."

Mala led the way to the volcano. There was a frown on her face as she examined the lava. "The Great Protector has never let the lava get this far."

Hiccup cast her an uneasy look. "I'm sure there's an explanation."

Mala turned to some of her defenders. "You three, start chopping down this line of trees before the fire spreads farther into the forest. The rest of you, come with me to the Den of the Great Protector."

"I hope everything's alright," Eira whispered to her companions as they ascended the volcano. She had an uneasy feeling that she could not shake.

"So do I," Heather said.

Mala stopped outside the entrance to the volcano. "There should be guards here." She ran inside, the riders at her heels. She let out a loud gasp. "The Protector is gone!"

"Could he just be on a different part of the island?" Hiccup said nervously.

"No, he never strays far from his food source."

"Hiccup," Astrid said as she nudged him.

"What is it?" he said.

She pointed to a dragon root arrow. "Dragon hunters."


Astrid picked up the arrow and examined it. "And it's fresh. I think the hunters took the Eruptodon."

Hiccup's expression darkened. "Viggo. He wasn't trying to keep us from finding this island. He was leading us here. To use as a diversion so that he could steal their dragon. How did I fall for that?"

"There were too many possibilities," Eira said. "Overthinking it would have driven you mad." And she could not regret meeting these people. They could indeed be great allies.

"So, you were just a distraction after all," Mala said quietly with her back turned to them. "I was actually almost beginning to believe you."

"No, this isn't what you think," Hiccup said quickly.

Mala spun around and gave him an icy glare. "Silence, Hiccup Haddock! You've served your master well. Without the Eruptodon to protect us, the fate of my village is sealed. But so is yours."


The queen held up her spear and advanced on him. "I warned you what would happen if I found out you were lying to me. Your people are going to die for what you've done. But first, Hiccup, I'm going to kill you myself. I warned you, Hiccup Haddock. I warned you not to betray me."

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