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Chapter 25: Gone

Eira could not believe how this all ended. Everything had been going so well. Dagur got along great with Fishlegs as he eagerly learned about Gronckles. Then even Astrid seemed impressed when she took him out for her own training. At the end of the day, they were all telling stories and laughing together. Dagur seemed to fit in.

And then Heather showed up.

Eira knew she was not ready for a relationship with her brother, but she did not expect her to react so vehemently and accuse him of being a spy. Was that what she convinced herself had happened? Did it make it easier to deal with her own pain? Well, she had to stop thinking about only herself - ironically the very same thing she accused Dagur of. Perhaps they were not so different after all.

Eira found Dagur trudging along the side of the clubhouse. "Hey," she said softly. "I'm sorry about what happened. You don't have to leave."

Dagur stopped and looked back at her, and his sorrowful expression broke her heart. "Yes, I do. Heather doesn't want me here."

Eira could not deny that. "I want you here."

A small smile flashed on Dagur's face that was gone as quickly as it came. "Thank you, but I'll only cause trouble for you if I stay."


She looked over her shoulder to see Snotlout approaching, fidgeting nervously. "What is it?"

Snotlout stopped before her. "I just - " His gaze flickered to Dagur and then back to her. "I liked what you said back there. I think you're right."

Eira was surprised by this admission. She had not excepted anyone to support her. "Thank you."

Snotlout turned to Dagur, appearing more confident now. "Listen, it's not over yet. Heather may not believe your words, but she will have to believe your actions. You need to do something to prove that you have changed."

Dagur frowned. "But I already saved her life."

"Then you have to do something she can't explain away."

"He may have a point," Eira said. "You'll think of something."

Dagur nodded. His gaze drifted to the next room where a model ship had fallen near the doorway. This was the strategy room where the riders discussed their mission. Dagur picked up the ship and then moved into the room to examine the current battle plan. Eira and Snotlout walked in after him.

"What are you doing?" Hiccup said, appearing at the doorway.

"Everyone kept dropping hints about some big mission," Dagur said. "I thought I should take a look. Heather may hate me, but I do not want her flying any suicide missions."

Hiccup moved further into the room and stood beside him. "It's a shipyard. Viggo is retrofitting his ships. Enlarging the cells for bigger dragons, it looks like."

Dagur's eyes narrowed in thought. "Hmm... Remarkably undefended."

"It's very remote. Deep behind his lines and shrouded in fog."

"Hmm... Seems a little too easy."

"We've kept an eye on it for weeks. Viggo doesn't defend it because he doesn't think we know about it."

"Let me guess, coordinated attack, using the sea stacks for cover, but staying up out of arrow range?"

Hiccup blinked. "Something like that."

Dagur shook his head. "You're too gullible, Hiccup. That's your problem. I should know. I tricked you plenty of times."

"Yeah, well, I'm still here."

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