Taking the Edge

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Chapter 47: Taking the Edge

Eira jolted out of bed at the sound of an explosion. "What was that?" she exclaimed.

"I was about to ask you that," Ingrid said just before a second explosion. The two of them hurried to get dressed and then rushed outside.

Eira gasped when she located the problem. "Singetails are attacking. We have to get to our dragons!" They raced to the stables to find everyone else already there (minus Hiccup and Astrid, who were still away). They hopped on their dragons and took to the sky.

The dragon riders attempted to fight back the Singtails but had little effect on them. They ran away for awhile to catch their breaths before resuming the fight.

"I don't understand what's going on!" Eira shouted over the noise. "Why are they attacking?"

"Does it matter?" Snotlout said. "Maybe they're just crazy!"

"Dragons don't attack for no reason. If we can figure out the reason, we can find a smarter way to stop them."

"Guys, look!" Ingrid cried, pointing at a Singetail.

"Someone is riding that Singetail!" Fishlegs exclaimed.

"No, someone is riding all these Singetails," said Snotlout.

"The dragons are being forced to fight," Eira said in dismay. How horrible! She wished there was a way she could help them.

"There's not much we can do about that right now! We have to take them!"

Eira knew he was right. She dodged a blast from a Singetail. The next second, she saw Fishlegs fall from Mealtug. Swiftwings swooped down, but another Singetail blocked her path. The battle appeared hopeless until, suddenly, Hiccup and Astrid appeared.

"I'm sorry, gang,"  Hiccup said, "we should have been here."

"What gave it away?" Snotlout retorted. "Was it the scorched Earth?"

"Wait." Hiccup peered carefully at a Singetail. "Are those flyers? Wait- How? When?"

"Uh, Hiccup, maybe we can have this discussion later," Astrid said.

"All right! Air tactics and defense! Just like we practiced!"

"When did we practice that?" Snotlout said anxiously. "We never practiced that!"

"Then it's a great time to learn!" said Astrid.

The riders resumed fighting. At first, it seemed like they had a chance, but then the Singetails overwhelmed them with numbers. Hiccup was forced to order everyone to retreat from Dragon's Edge. They landed on a wide sea stack nearby where they could watch the destruction of their home in dismay. Meatlug started pacing frantically.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Hiccup said as he attempted to soothe her. "Easy, girl. We'll find him. Don't you worry."

"How are you gonna do that, Hiccup?" Snotlout said. "Those flyers are all over the place and trained. But you wouldn't have known that."

"Wow, Snotlout," said Tuffnut. "The truth will set you free, my arrogant brother."

Astrid glared at them. "Leave him alone!"

"No, Astrid," Hiccup said sadly. "I deserve it. I shouldn't have left. They practically begged us to stay."

 "That's pushing it," said Snotlout.

"You know what I mean."

"You couldn't have known something like this would happen," Eira said.

"And we're back now," said Astrid. "That's all that matters."

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