Spreading the News

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Chapter 44: Spreading the News

Eira nervously paced back and forth in the clubhouse. She waited alone for Dagur after instructing Ingrid to tell him where to find her. She wanted to get right down to the chase without any distractions. Part of her wanted to get this over with, but another part dreaded it. But she had made her decision, and she could not take it back now.

She jumped when the door slammed open. "Hello, Eira!" Dagur said with a bright smile. "You wanted to see me?"

Eira forced a smile in return as she met his gaze. "Dagur... we need to talk."

Dagur's own smile slowly faded. "What's wrong?"

How did he know something was wrong? Had she made it that obvious? Suddenly, she could not look at him any longer and averted her gaze. "I made my decision... about who I want to be with."

"It's not me, is it?" Dagur said in an unusually quiet tone.

"N-No." Eira lifted her head to look at him, and her heart clenched at the sadness on his face. For once, he appeared completely helpless. "I'm sorry."

"Do you mind telling me the reason?"

Eira bit her lip. She really didn't want to explain, but he deserved an answer. "I just..." It would have been easier if it were simply a matter of comparing feelings, but how could she explain the tangle of reasoning she went to in order to get to this point? "Snotlout and I... fit better. We have more in common."

Dagur stared at her long and hard as if dissecting her answer. "You seem to be as different from him as you are from me. We probably have more in common with each other than we do with you. You've adapted to us both."

In a way, she could see that, but that was not what she meant. "Yes, I know how to get along with people, but..." She hesitated. How did she say this without coming across as cruel? "He adapts better to me. I - I know you would try, but he is more naturally in tune with what my parents expect."

Dagur frowned. "You don't think your parents would approve of me?"

"That's not - I mean - It would be harder. It would require you to change too much, and I don't want you to change. I couldn't do that to you. Do you see? We're too incompatible."

Dagur furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "Snotlout tries hard to impress people in authority. I can see how your parents might like that, but I thought you didn't like that about him."

Eira winced. She almost regretted sharing those worries with him. "I - I don't when he takes it overboard, but it can be useful in some circumstances. There's nothing wrong when wanting to please others."

"Just as long as they're your parents and not his."

Eira's eyes widened. "What? Dagur!"

"Eira, how do you feel about me?" Dagur suddenly moved in close to her, and her heart hammered as she felt his breath on her face. "Don't lie to make me feel better. I need to know the truth."

Eira found herself unable to look away from his serious gaze. She did want to lie, but even if she could get away with it, she knew he deserved better. "I-" Her throat grew dry, and she swallowed.

"Eira..." Dagur's expression softened as he lifted his hand and placed it against her cheek. "Tell me, please."

Eira's breath caught in her throat. With him so close to her, she suddenly knew how she felt. But that was the problem, wasn't it? Her feelings overrode her good sense. Tears pricked her eyes. "I love you." She spoke so softly she thought she might be inaudible, but the happiness that flickered in his eyes told her he had heard. 

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