Trouble with Gustav

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Chapter 8: Trouble with Gustav

Gustav's presence did not make anyone happy. Yet, Hiccup did promise he would train him someday, so he allowed him to stay. He sent him off with Astrid since he was busy working on the Dragon Eye.

Eira and Snotlout attempted to return to their training. However, it was not long before Gustav was plopped in between them by Meatlug. A second later, Fanghook flew down to land beside him.

"What is this, Fishface?" Snotlout said, glaring at the rider on the Gronkle's back.

"Sorry, Snotlout," said Fishlegs, "My flowers and I can't take him anymore."

"So you're sticking him with us?"

"Yes. Thank you for watching him!" With that, Meatlug turned around and flew off.

"Come on, he can't be that bad," Eira said. She smiled at Gustav. "What do you want to do?"

"Anything you want to do," Gustav said with a dreamy look on his face.

"She wants you to go away," Snotlout said.

Eira shot him a look. "Don't listen to him. How about we take a flight around the island? No one has given you a tour yet, have they?"

Gustav brightened. "That's a great idea, Eira. Come on, Fanghook!" He ran to his Monstrous Nightmare and hopped on his back.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Snotlout muttered as he stomped over to Hookfang.

Eira smiled. "Don't worry, I have younger siblings." She got on Swiftwings and took to the air.


Keeping Gustav occupied proved to be a more difficult task than Eira anticipated. The kid was constantly distracted and rushing off in every which direction. Snotlout was not much of a help either. The boys seemed insistent on antagonizing each other despite Eira's best efforts.

In the end, Snotlout declared they were leaving Gustav with Hiccup, who was the one who was supposed to be training him anyway. When they got to the clubhouse where they had last seen Hiccup working on the Dragon Eye, they found it empty. Still, Snotlout was satisfied to leave Gustav there and dragged Eira away.

A little while later, Hiccup found them at the training grounds. "Have you two seen Gustav?" he said with a worried expression on his face.

"He's back at the clubhouse," Snotlout said dismissively.

Hiccup shook his head. "That's where I came from, and he's not there... and neither is the Dragon Eye."

Snotlout and Eira exchanged a look. "You don't think he's following the map, do you?" Eira said.

"He did think it was a treasure map," Snotlout said.

"Toothless and I will go find him," Hiccup said. "You two alert the others."

Eira nodded. "Good luck." The group had already checked out the island that the Dragon Eye displayed, and it was full of dangerous traps. It was certainly no place for a young teenager! "I hope he's alright."

"If he's not, it's his own fault for running off," Snotlout said.

Eira shot him a look. "Remind me not to look for you the next time you run off and get yourself into trouble."

Snotlout scoffed. "Like that's ever going to happen."

Eira sighed. "Let's just go find the others." So, the two of them took off on their dragons to alert their friends of the current situation.

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