The Dragon Rider Exams

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Chapter 2: The Dragon Rider Exams

"This is the dragon academy," Hiccup said to Eira as they landed their dragons on the edge of a domed arena. "This is where we train dragons and work out strategy. We have not needed to use it for awhile, but it is a nice place to train."

"It looks awesome," Eira said with a grin. She dismounted Swiftwings and then followed Hiccup to the group of riders she had met the previous day.

"Hello, Eira," said the blond female with the Edge Nadder behind her.

"Hey-" Eira paused when she realized she did not know her name. She didn't know any of their names, actually. Except Snotlout's. She reflexively glanced at him, and he smiled at her.

"I'm sorry, did we forget to introduce ourselves? I'm Astrid, and this is Stormfly." She smiled and pat her dragon's side.

"That's okay," Eira said. "It was kind of hectic when I arrived. It's nice to meet you."

The boy with the Gronkle stepped forward. "My name's Fishlegs. This is my girl, Meatlug."

"I'm Tuffnut, and my sister is Ruffnut," said a blond boy.

"Our dragon's name is Barf and Belch," said the girl standing next to him.

"You already know my name," Snotlout said, flashing her another smile. He looked at Hiccup. "Are we going to let her become a dragon rider or what?"

"Well-" Hiccup started to say.

"We can't just accept a random newbie," Ruffnut said in a tone that was more skeptical than hostile. "We don't know if she'd be any good as a dragon rider."

Snotlout rolled his eyes. "Of course she'll be good. She flew all the way here!"

"Then she should have no problem proving it," said Tuffnut.

"I don't think she needs to prove anything," said Astrid, "but it would be nice to see her abilities so we know how she will fit in with the group."

"And how she would work individually with each of us," said Fishlegs.

"You all have valid points," Hiccup said. He turned to Eira. "While I don't think we will have a problem accepting you, I want to make sure everyone has a say in the decision."

Eira nodded. "I'm fine with that." The idea did not offend her. After all, she was sure she could win them all over.

"What are you going to do," said Snotlout, "give her a test?"

"Sort of," said Hiccup. He looked around at the group. "How about this? Each of us will spend half a day interacting with Eira and testing her in any way we perceive reasonable. At the end, we'll come together and discuss whether or not she passed."

"That sounds fair enough to me," Eira said. Everyone else voiced their agreement.

"We can really do anything we want?" Tuffnut said, exchanging a mischievous look with his sister.

Hiccup frowned. "Within reason, Tuff. I will veto your decision if I find you've done something outrageous."

"Aw, that's no fun."

"Who gets to go first?" asked Snotlout, sounding eager.

"I'll show her around this morning, and Fishlegs can talk to her after lunch," said Hiccup. "Tomorrow Snotlout can have her in the morning followed by Astrid in the afternoon. The twins can take her the next day."

Everyone agreed. One they all dispersed, Eira briefly met with Hiccup to discuss his ideas for the morning. Then the two of them mounted their dragons to start with a tour of the island.

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